Wrongful Convictions: An Ongoing Issue

2 min readMay 30, 2018


*Not included in the list below is RuEl Sailor, exonerated on March 28, 2018 (served 15 years in prison), also *not included is Yusef Salaam, exonerated on December 19, 2002 (served 5.5 years in prison)

There are many flaws within the justice system, however one in particular really upsets me. There are thousands of people incarcerated for crimes they did not commit. Aside for the systemic racism that continually exists, people are receiving unfair representation. Many “inmates” are simply told to plead guilty & take the lesser sentence, despite the fact that they are ACTUALLY innocent. This is a serious problem that needs to be changed. Innocence projects all over the country have been working to exonerate the wrongfully convicted. This, to me, is a fantastic improvement, however there is still much more to be done. Changes must be made within the government and supreme court in order to create realchange. I personally intern for the Ohio Innocence Project, which has been nothing short of amazing. My life has changed incredibly, as I now see life in an entirely new way. Since 2003, when OIP was founded, there have been 28 exonerations!! OIP and other Innocence Projects have done great things & given people the freedom they deserved from the very start. Imagine being convicted of a crime you did not commit, thrown into prison, and potentially even put on death row. People have lost YEARS of their lives due to an unfair and unjust judicial system. Below, I am posting the link to the OIP page, their social media, and a list of exonorees. Even if you don’t want anything to do with the organization, simply look into these people’s stories… They’re truly incredible!

website: www.law.uc.edu/oip

facebook: Ohio Innocence Project

twitter: @theOhioInnProj

instagram: @ohio_innocence_project




Just a small person trying to make a large difference.