Tyotus: The Story

The Professor
8 min readJan 26, 2017


Just a bit of background…So I’ve decided to go into a different direction with this character and game “franchise”. Initially, I wanted to make a platformer with a huge, immersive story. Here are some screenshots of that.

I can only imagine what people reading this would think the game is about. But yeah, sadly, I’m going to have to scrap it. It was a 4 month, on and off, labor of love…but it’s time to trash (well, not everything…) this project and start fresh. I realized that it was too ambitious of a project. So, it’s time to scrap the idea, and move on to my next endeavor.

And to do that, please welcome…


Yes, an endless runner. A procedural-ly generated endless runner. What this means, is the platforms are automatically generated and randomly placed, within specified limits.

I currently don’t have any gifs for the game play so far, but the previous picture pretty much sums up how it looks right now. I was in the process of writing out the story, but lost motivation due to real life occurrences. However, I am back, with the intention of posting my progress to this medium every other day. Posts will be laid out as follows.

What I worked on:

What I will work on next:

Gif/Screenshot of gameplay:

This will help me remain accountable, and actually make progress on the game. I’ll hopefully be adding to it daily. There has been progress, but it has been really slow. I am excited about what it is becoming.

I still hope to keep the story political, but way more light than what I was doing in the previous game. I’m also treating this as a passion project, rather than thinking of ways to monetize it when it’s done. A future goal would be to gain money from these games, but right now, I want to create, share, get feedback, and improve.

Thanks for riding with me.

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Update 1/29/2017

I’ve decided to keep updating this story, rather than creating a new story for each update I do! It will save time, and my stories will look way less cluttered.

I think I’m going to stick with this “update every other day” plan. I got a lot of work done over the weekend! I’ve decided that I’m going to release the game and host it on github/google drive, and just share it like that…I’m not trying to gain any money…just trying to show that I built an endless runner, with a story mode if anyone is interested!


Here’s a list of everything I got done:

  • Implemented a “Lose a Life” system
  • Wrote out the major conflicts in the story and the settings in which they occur
  • Replaced city backdrops so they match the planned story
  • Implemented faders, and ran a build to confirm filesize wasn’t too big (17MB)
  • Coded the “map pieces: story

So yeah, a lot of progress. Looking at the list, it doesn’t seem like much…but in code, it was quite a bit to do. I’m content though!

What I will work on next:

  • Finish map pieces level, and decide how I want it to end
  • Start coding first city level & write the dialogue for the scene
  • Figure out characters and their role in the big city
  • Decide what kind of obstacles I want to exist in the different parts of the story

(I probably won’t get to all of those within the next two days, but it’s all good. Just keeping a list of things that need to be done.)

Gif/Screenshot of gameplay:

All in all, dope progress! Will update again on January 31st!

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Wow, almost didn’t want to update. So tired. I didn’t realize how much real life would play a role in fatigue. But, I got a lot done (I think)!

What I worked on:

  • Handled taking damage (get hit once, or fall into a hole, you lose a life)
  • Allowed shooting for boss battle level
  • Fully developed boss level
  • Handled boss damage, and boss shooting…pretty much everything that deals with the boss

What I will work on next:

  • Story for before and after boss level
  • Start coding first city level & write the dialogue for the scene
  • Figure out characters and their role in the big city

I realized last update I was thinking too far ahead, and not taking into consideration I am a “teacher” now haha. But it’s all good. Progress is progress! And this game, although incomplete, is playable, challenging, and fun! I can’t wait until I have the finished product!

Gif/Screenshot of gameplay:

I am using the Egg Pod/Spaceship as placeholder art. I don’t know what I want as the first boss yet hahahaha. Cheating a bit because I implemented a safety net for testing purposes. But yeah, that’s my update! Another one coming on the 2nd!

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Going to try to keep this short and sweet.

What I worked on:

  • Fixed the build so I can play through entire levels without having to leave the game
  • Finished boss battle…so now it runs smoothly and as it will in the real game…from fading to user/boss dying
  • Removed safety nets from boss level
  • Finished ending of boss battle
  • Finished story of boss battle
  • Wrote some general dialogue for the next level

I think that’s it. It’s been slow because of real life…but as we get closer to the weekend…things will change.

What I will work on next:

Still some of the same things…

  • Start coding first city level
  • Figure out characters and their role in the big city

Gif/Screenshot of gameplay:

Rough two days. Better times to come!

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So I messed up haha, but it’s okay. Going to start over with the every other day thing.

What I worked on:

  • Coding first city levels
  • First city characters & story scene
  • Random Item generator for level 2

What I will work on next:

  • Finishing level 2 item generator level
  • Coming up with something to do next (A boss for level 2)
  • Writing story for level 3…coming up with what happens in the mountains/forest

I have some wiggle room with things to do next. I’m happy with progress though! Everything is moving, and I really like what I’m coming up with!

Gif/Screenshot of gameplay:

Till next time!

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I would feel bad that I haven’t been updating this, but I am making progress, so I’m not too sad! Finally on level 3…level 2 (high level) is complete. I need to work on some bugs and stuff, but I’m happy with where this project is going, and I’m also very happy with the speed. I will definitely be able to release to the world by late March (or even earlier!).

What I worked on:

  • Finished item generator for level 2
  • Finished chase level (boss for level 2)
  • Implemented obstacles for levels after 2
  • Fixed Background generation for levels after 2…(too lazy to go back and refactor other code right now)
  • Big story concepts

What I will work on next:

  • Finishing story for level 3. (I have an idea in mind…just need to write it down before I forget it)
  • Code story for level 3
  • A way to make the boss for level 3 harder than the first
  • Level 4 (mountains, collapsing platforms)

Should be fun!

Gif/Screenshot of gameplay:

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Good progress! I really like where the game is going! It’s pretty late (10:24) and I’m feeling pretty tired…. Here’s to progress.

What I worked on:

  • Level 3 stories & Boss (Very proud of how the boss battle turned out :) )
  • Started level 4…

I need to figure out how to make level 4 different…and harder. Not 100% sure how yet, but this creative binge I’ve been on has been nothing but fantastic. I’m sure it’ll continue.

What I will work on next:

  • Level 4 challenges
  • Level 4 Story

Gif/Screenshot of gameplay:

As each day passes, and more progress is gained…I get more and more excited about sharing this.

