All The Reasons For A Liberal Progressive to Vote For Gary Johnson, in memes

No To Big Government
Extra Newsfeed
Published in
11 min readOct 21, 2016

It is not progressive to not care about the issues that affect the poor and vulnerable, and it is not ok to vote for a party (Democrats) that no longer represents the people.

Gary Johnson is the only candidate offering real, practical and implementable solutions to end mass incarceration, end the school to prison pipeline and end Neo Con wars that send America’s youngest and poorest to kill people in other countries for the benefit of oil companies.

The Democrats increased mass incarceration by 60% with Bill Clinton’s “three strikes you’re out law”. Gary Johnson would end this new “Jim Crow” that unjustly and more harshy punishes the poor and vulnerable by decriminalizing drug addiction. This means less prisons, less taxpayer money going to the prison industry, and more individual freedoms.

The Democrats created the school to prison pipeline by colluding with the Teachers Unions, which are the 4th largest political donors of all, to oppose private schools. This means that po0r, mostly minority kids, are treated like criminals in failing schools, which perpetuate generational poverty.

Gary Johnson would allow funds to go directly to families in under performing school districts so that parents can send their kids to higher achieving private schools, effectively ending the school to prison pipeline.

The Democrat party’s hypocrisy of opposing School Choice is the number one reason why no one should vote for Democrats. Elite Democrats like the Clintons, the Obamas, the Gores all sent their kids to private schools, but oppose this option for poor families because the Teachers Unions donate to the Democrat party. This is immoral.

The reason college tuition has skyrocketed since Jimmy Carter established the Department of Education in 1979 is the same reason home prices artificially skyrocketed. The government giving out loans results in industries increasing their prices. When there are loans to get people to pay for college tuition or buy a house, a higher price can be charged since people can get additional loans to pay for it, thus creating an upward price spiral.

It is government meddling in the free market that creates artificial demand and increases the cost of necessities like housing and education. The result is that the poor and vulnerable in society get hurt the most since they can least afford any kind of price increase.

But the Democrat’s propaganda machine would have you believe that they care about the poor and ask you to ignore all the bad deals that have led to the rigged economy, and they ask you to give them more taxpayer money and more centralized power.

We have all the evidence we need to know that Big Government does not work: the Veterans Affairs Hospital Scandal, the failed ObamaCare co-ops, the failed “Green Energy” companies that all received billions of taxpayer money that will never be recovered.

The fact is that a well-regulated industry, like the car industry, can provide good, safe, quality products at low cost, spur innovation, and give consumers many options. Healthcare can be regulated; the government does not have to become a monopoly – taxing people, penalizing them if they don’t buy their insurance, and then providing subpar care because they have no incentive to innovate and no competition to make them offer better care.

This rigging of the economy is the result of politicians like Hillary Clinton giving tax loopholes, special regulations, loans etc. to political donors like Donald Trump, who has donated more money to the Clintons than to veterans.

The whole of Hillary Clinton’s career, in fact, has been the selling of government favors to the highest bidder, even when those donors are immoral blackmarket dealers like Marc Rich and crooks like Donald Trump.

The Clintons built their wealth with blood money, gotten from some of the worst human-rights offenders in modern history. Their greed and lack of principles even led President Jimmy Carter to call what they do disgraceful corruption, and it will be their lasting legacy.

The tax code, a 70,000 page document, is how pay-to-play corruption in government is encoded. It lays out all the favors individual political donors receive, so they, like Donald Trump and Mitt Romney, can pay less in taxes than the middle class or the working poor.

To fix corruption and cronyism in government, Governor Gary Johnson proposes to get rid of the tax code entirely and replace it with a simple consumption tax, where the poor get a prebate and pay no taxes, and everyone else pays according to how much they purchase. Since companies, corporations, make a lot of purchases, they would pay a lot of taxes.

The rigged economy includes the underground exploitation of migrant workers, who are payed slave wages, given inhumane working conditions and are victimized by inefficient and unclear government documentation that lead to the abuse of their human-rights.

Again, it is political donors, like Big Agriculture, who pay politicians to maintain this inhumane underground economy so they can keep exploiting migrant workers and reaping the profits.

No one who believes in protecting and defending human rights should vote for Democrats, who in 2008 had control of congress and the presidency to end this modern-day slavery in the United States, and CHOSE not to do so.

They did not do it, and they will never do it, because that is not what their big money donors want them to do.

Gary Johnson would end the exploitation of migrant workers by making work visas easier to obtain, thus eliminating “illegal” immigration and allowing the market economy to set wages, instead of an underground economy that is manipulated by paying off corrupt politicians.

The truth is that trade and immigration grow economies, and they are what made the United States an economic and world power.

Steve Jobs, the founder of Apple Inc, which is responsible for countless technological innovations like the iPad, as well as the creator of millions of jobs, was the son of a Syrian immigrant. This is the American experience.

This is the American dream that gets realized in this country because of the combination of 1) individual freedoms and 2) the market capitalist economy that have historically combined to allow people to create amazing, world changing companies that have not only made products that improved people’s lives, but have also raised people out of poverty and increased the standard of living of billions of people across the world.

How sad that in this country about half the population consider corporations evil because of Democrat propaganda that tells people that the solution to social and economic problems is to give politicians more money and more power, and to resent businesspeople who earn their own money without expecting or wanting a government handout.

History and current events have proven over and over again that socialism and communism only lead to poverty and human-rights abuses. The successful European economies are not socialist, the countries that are socialist, like Venezuela and Cuba, are under great strain just to provide food for their citizens.

Meanwhile the United States has grown into a police state where innocent civilians are shot by militarized police officers, children are sent to prison directly from their schools, and mass incarceration has made us – who were once the land of the free – the number one jailer IN THE WORLD.

And what has all this taxation, all this power given to government gotten for the American people?

What has happened to our Democracy? Only 9% of the electorate chose Trump and Clinton as the nominees of their parties. And the only third party candidate to be on the ballot in all 50 states and Washington, D.C., Gary Johnson, was not allowed to debate two of the worst candidates for president that have ever ran for office.

The reason Gary Johnson was not allowed to debate is because the Presidential Debate Commission is controlled by Democrats and Republicans, who did everything they could – including rigging the polls to under sample millenials, independents and military personnel, all of whom support Gary Johnson in the 30% range — to prevent the American people from considering a third party alternative.

But Gary Johnson only needs 35% of the votes, in most states, to become president. In a three person race that splits about evenly, around 1/3 each, the winner is the person who can get a little over 33% in most states. If Hillary Clinton gets that 33%, and Gary Johnson gets 35%, Donald Trump cannot get more than 32%, and we elect the first third party candidate for president since Abraham Lincoln.

Even if none of the above persuades you to vote for Gary Johnson, the last reason I implore you to do so is to end the two party tyranny, which is the source of the animosity, the gridlock, that prevents things from getting done in government by giving corrupt politicians the easy excuse that the other party is standing in their way.

Vote the establishment out. Vote the fat cats out. Vote the system out. If you are worried about a Trump presidency, and that is the only reason you are willing to waste your vote on the lesser evil Clinton, trust that Trump cannot do anything that Obama hasn’t already done. If he does, he can be impeached.

We can end mass incarceration, we can end forced deportations, we can end the school to prison pipeline, we can end Bush / Clinton Neo Con wars for oil, we can end bought politicians, we can end waste and corruption in government, by electing President Johnson.

Please vote FOR Gary Johnson. He and his VP Bill Weld were good moderate Republican governors of Democrat states, who both balanced budgets, lowered taxes and built new roads and schools.

We can have honest, efficient, transparent government that works for the people, not political donors.

We can be the voice for the most vulnerable and poor among us who get no voice when pay-to-play corruption is how the government functions.

Both Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump are reviled, hated and mistrusted by more than half of the country. Neither of them could possibly bring the country together.

Gary Johnson and Bill Weld can help our country heal by bringing the best elements of the two parties together to really serve the public and actually fix many of our social and economic problems.

It is simple. Vote to protect our democracy. Vote to protect the rights of the individual.

Gary Johnson supports marriage equality, he is pro-choice, pro-civil liberties, pro-environmental protections, pro-internet freedom, pro-justice reform, pro Black Lives Matter, and opposes the death penalty.

A vote for Gary Johnson is a vote for the poor and vulnerable in our society; it is a vote to end mass incarceraton and the school to prison pipeline; it is a vote to lessen military interventions; it is a vote to end the exploitation of migrant workers; it is a vote to end money in politics by reforming the tax code and preventing tax loopholes for political donors; it is a vote to defend the rights of the individual to live free, without a police state or a nanny state.

Just 35% of the votes in most states is all that it takes to elect President Johnson. Please help us get our democracy back; end the two party system.

