#INTERVIEW Meet Prof. Dr. Danko Nikolić, CDO & Head of AI @savedroid

4 min readJul 6, 2018


Prof. Dr. Danko Nikolić

savedroid creates a unique AI-fueled ecosystem of crypto saving and investing for the masses. Hiring the best talent in the fields of machine learning and artificial intelligence is key to build a successful product. We are extremely excited and proud to welcome Prof. Dr. Danko Nikolić as our new Chief Data Officer (CDO) and Head of AI to the savedroid team. Today, we want to officially introduce Danko to the community, so here we go …

Before joining savedroid, Danko worked in a large consulting company as Senior Data Scientist and Lead Data Scientist. Before that he headed for many years a lab for brain and mind research at the Max Planck Institute, where he was using advanced analytics and machine learning to investigate how the brain works. In his work, he often needed to invent new statistical methods and was one of the pioneers in “mind reading” by applying machine learning to brain signals. He has a keen interest in using the insights into brain function to improve artificial intelligence (AI) technology and applying those to business problems. He invented the concept of “AI Kindergarten” and is the main creative force behind the new AI technology at RobotsGoMental. He happily writes blogs and academic papers and speaks at conferences about AI, machine learning and Data Science — often being invited to give keynote lectures. He holds university degrees in civil engineering and psychology, and a PhD in cognitive psychology and is an honorary professor of psychology at the University of Zagreb.

Yassin, Founder & CEO @savedroid: Hey Danko, first things first, it’s great to have you on board of savedroid, a very warm welcome! Can you please briefly introduce yourself to the community — not only professionally, but also on a personal level?

Danko, CDO & Head of AI @savedroid: Thank you very much Yassin. It is my pleasure. I love everything related to technology and science. The best is when I can combine the two — especially when it has to do with AI. Combining brain science, statistical theory, and machine learning principles to create AI solutions is my idea of having fun. When not doing that, I enjoy skiing, biking, playing music. When I was younger (and did not have family responsibilities), I got my fun kicks from skydiving.

How to Make Intelligent Robots That Understand the World by Prof. Dr. Danko Nikolić @TEDxESA

„There are some amazing robots roving the surface of Mars. However, they are heavily dependent on their human operators. But what if we could provide them with human-like intelligence so that they could find their own way without assistance? What if we could teach them to autonomously deal with completely novel situations? Prof. Dr. Danko Nikolić has his own vision: a novel approach to Artificial Intelligence (AI) that could give robots the capability to understand the world through a method called “AI-Kindergarten”.

Yassin, Founder & CEO @savedroid: Why did you decide to join savedroid?

Danko, CDO & Head of AI @savedroid: For the challenge. I saw an opportunity to wrestle problems that nobody else has ever wrestled before. Today, you cannot search on the Internet a solution on how you create an AI that saves in crypto currencies. No such solution exists. There is an emerging set of fresh problems in finances and machine learning, and this is exactly what attracted me to savedroid.

Yassin, Founder & CEO @savedroid: What do you personally want to achieve as our new Chief Data Officer (CDO) and Head of AI?

Danko, CDO & Head of AI @savedroid: As the end-goal, I want savedroid have the best finance-AI that possibly could be built. As a first milestone, I want to keep on promise that savedroid made to its ICO investors: create an AI for smart savings in crypto currencies. We are already on the way. We are building a top team composed of some of the smartest people in Germany and are already deep diving into the Data Science of the crypto world.

Yassin, Founder & CEO @savedroid: What is your vision for savedroid’s AI-fueled ecosystem of crypto saving and investing for the masses?

Danko, CDO & Head of AI @savedroid: I think we will soon be able to offer our users a choice of activating an AI-driven reduced-risk portfolio. Many people want to buy crypto for long-term saving purposes but also want to have an additional piece of mind of reduced risk. For them, an artificially intelligent algorithm will regularly monitor the market and make the necessary adjustments to the portfolio in order to minimize volatility. Over time, we will expand to individualized choices of risk levels. Not every person has the same taste for adventure. We want to create AI that assists all of them.

To keep you posted on our latest hires and team members we have started this new #INTERVIEW series. Here we will provide you insights on the people behind savedroid who are working hard to democratize cryptocurrencies. Stay tuned and follow our blog to learn more.

