#SNEAKPEEK The savedroid crypto saving app — Part #2: Your smooves

3 min readJun 27, 2018


We are approaching the beta launch of our brand new crypto saving app. So, it’s time to share the next sneak peek with you even before the official go-live. Today, you will learn about the second core feature of savedroid’s crypto saving app: Your smooves.

A “smoove” is a smart saving rule based on the “if this, then that” logic. This means that you first define a trigger (i.e., “if this”) like, e.g., “if I achieve my daily step goal”, “if I visit the gym”, “if my favorite soccer team wins”, or even “if Donald Trump tweets” and many more. savedroid will constantly monitor your triggers and if a trigger is hit automatically save money for you. This brings us to the action (i.e., “then that”), which is the second part where you define the amount which shall be saved every time the trigger is hit, e.g., 2 Euro. So, a possible smoove could be “if I visit the gym, then let savedroid save 5 Euro” or “if Donald Trump tweets, then let savedroid save 1 Euro” etc.

You see, it’s a very easy and convenient yet smart way to program your personalized saving bot. The great thing about it is, that you can program savedroid to your individual preferences. You are into fitness? Then you choose from savedroid’s sport smooves. You are into Bundesliga? Then you select savedroid’s soccer smoove. You are into Twitter? Then you go for savedroid’s tweet smooves. Of course, there are many more smooves available, so check out our new crypto saving app to discover them all. This wide range of smooves allows you to personalize savedroid to your individual lifestyle. And as we are just getting started, we will continuously add new smooves. So, please feel free to send us your suggestions for new smooves!

Now let’s get started: There are 3 simple steps to set up your smooves in just a few seconds:

1) Trigger

First set the “if this” part of your smoove: Select your preferred smoove category and define the trigger. So, let’s go for sports, chose the step counter smoove, and put the daily step goal to 2,000 steps. savedroid will constantly monitor if you achieve your goal. So, you can lean back and enjoy your life.

2) Action

Now the “then that” part of your smoove follows: Specify the amount which savedroid shall save for you every time your trigger is hit. Let’s set the saving amount to 3.00 Euro. Now you have defined the action, i.e. every time you achieve your daily step goal savedroid will automatically save 3.00 Euro for you.

3) Wish

Finally, connect your smoove to your wish and you are all set. So now, every day you achieve 2,000 steps savedroid will automatically save 3.00 Euro towards your Spain trip. Wow, that was easy!

To keep you posted on our latest product updates we have started this new #SNEAKPEEK series. Here we will provide you regular sneak peeks on our hottest new features. Stay tuned and follow our blog!

