SaveNode — Fiat to $SNO with CryptoFlow Partnership

2 min readSep 17, 2018

It's Monday again, and another $SNO partnership surfaces. A pace I'm sure we'll not be able to maintain, but hey I'm honest about that! Yet, while we're on this pace, we'll make the most of it.

While we were going through the development plan for the SaveNode app, we broke down the features and started looking out there for companies we could strike a partnership with in order to make everyone's lives easier. One of the big pain points was fiat to crypto as a conversion.

Everyone, whether you want to believe it or not, starts from fiat and wants to get it into crypto. If you don't use the traditional coinbase option, the choices are rather limited.

This is when we were told about CryptoFlow, a company that can get from fiat to crypto in no time at all and with super low fees. Something coinbase most definitely don't pass on to their users.

It seemed like fiat to $SNO would be perfect, no? A way for users to directly deposit fiat into the app and through our partnership with CryptoFlow, get it into the needed crypto and you're set!

Therefore when reaching out to the CryptoFlow team, we could both see that our visions were aligned and it made sense to work out how we can best make this happen.

Now, as some people have said; partnerships are nothing but gimmicks with these projects and although I posted in discord this morning, I wanted to clarify a bit more here, too; I get messages every single day about other companies trying to partner with us. Every day. Loads.

I don't pursue these for the pure reason that there is no synergy on what we're working on. I'm not slating the coins/ companies, but a partnership to me needs to make sense. I won't be partnering with a company that does something completely out of the SaveNode scope, it makes zero sense.

That's why, when it came to this, it made more than just sense. It lines up nicely with what we want to deliver and instead of building our own whole payment gateway, we can utilise our partners awesome infrastructure!

We want to welcome CryptoFlow to the greater SaveNode team, it's great to have you guys on board.

Remember to give us a clap or 50, share, follow us on twitter, discord and check out our site!




Crypto investing made easy with SaveNode — the masternode backed app that allows everyone easy access to multiple markets in crypto investing.