SaveNode meets LightPay Coin (LPC)— A Partnership to shout about!

2 min readSep 9, 2018

In the world of crypto, there are great things coming out everyday with likeminded people building superb things to try and shape the future.

So when we started SaveNode, we wanted to ensure that not only we built something great, but we also built partnerships with other great entities, further enhancing the offering we could bring to you, our users and community.

With that, our first port of call was to look at the mechanics of SaveNode and what could add to the offering in a complimentary way. This led us to a few discussions, but first and foremost to Light Pay Coin (LPC).

Light Pay Coin will allow users to use their ATMs with ease, through NFC technology. These ATMs are backed by Masternodes, meaning no fees for the users, but more than that, the investors in their masternodes are rewarded for hosting that node. Putting the power back in the hands of the people.

A clear connection

Due to the SaveNode mission for it's users; helping them invest with ease, and the end goal of LPC; to allow people to withdraw cash without crazy fees, it lines up beautifully for a relationship between SaveNode and LPC.

We will work together to bring an offering of LPC and LGS (Logis Coin, a sister company of LPC) Masternodes within the available investments within the SaveNode app, but also allowing SaveNode users to be able to use the LPC ATMs to withdraw from the application.

The future is BRIGHT!

We believe that the work we're both doing doesn't just have a shared mission, but it also has our users at the forefront of what we're doing. This is why we're excited to announce our work with LPC, and look forward to progressing through our roadmaps knowing that we'll bring some amazing things to our users and investors together.

We'd like to welcome the LPC/LGS community, and we're looking forward to our journey together. Do jump on our discord, twitter, facebook or site to see more!




Crypto investing made easy with SaveNode — the masternode backed app that allows everyone easy access to multiple markets in crypto investing.