I am a programmer!

1 min readFeb 13, 2023


Yeah, that is the title, I am a programmer. I love computers and have a lot to write about them but creating and maintaining my own blog is a very tedious and time consuming task, hence, I chose Medium.

I hope Medium becomes my medium (you see what I did there…yeaah) to all of you dear readers. My blogs will mostly talk about the technical side of things, ranging from computers to various problems.

This blog is for all of us readers, as I will write, I will learn and as you guys comment and read, you will learn. This will create a learning cycle where the the reader(you) and writer(me) will maintain a symbiotic relationship. I mean if you are reading technical blog while using discord on the side, I can assume this will be the first type of relationship you will experience and hence, you are welcome.

So, if we are going to maintain a symbiotic relationship we should have names, you can call me “diaL” and I think “ArsMinus” would be suitable, it means “Technique Less” in Latin (All suggestions are open, if I like it I will change it).

That all for now, peace!

