A mushroom cloud on music album covers

Geneva N
3 min readMay 15, 2019

Since the first use of an atomic weapons in July 16, 1945 in special tests in New Mexico — people understand the destructive power of it. And when the first images of the nuclear explosions were released — a mushroom cloud became the symbol of great destruction, power and war.

And now we can find album covers with atomic mushrooms that represent images of nuclear war, doomsday clock or just abstract protest symbol.

Count Basie — The Atomic Mr. Basie

1958 / Jazz

This album cover is one of the first commercial uses of the picture of an nuclear mushroom cloud. This is the photo of the test “Operation Plumbbob” in 1957.

In this case the image of mushroom cloud doesn’t related to the war or destruction. It is related with a great power of sounds and explosive energy. The album blasts off with a nuclear detonation and the intensity and excitement never let up. In this music set, Basie emphatically reminds us that jazz, first of all, is for the feet and then for the heart and mind.

Iron Maiden‎ — 2 Minutes To Midnight

1984 / Heavy metal

This image of mushroom cloud is clear symbol of the doomsday clock.

The hero of the illustration — soldier adopting the iconic stance of the ‘Lord Kitchener Wants You’ recruitment poster from the First World War, enjoying a cigar and coolly poking an accusatory finger at the viewer, and the title of the song “2 minutes to midnight” reminds us about nearness of the end — nuclear cataclysm.

The flags behind the man are from topical contemporary trouble spots engaged in armed conflict around the time the single was released: USSR, Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran, UK, Argentina, USA, Israel and Cuba.

Destroyer 666 — Violence Is The Prince Of This World

1995 / Black metal

Misanthropy, global catastrophe, war, death and destruction are typical themes of black metal. This album is a debut for this music group. Maybe that’s why they use classic image of war — nuclear explosion.

This fact confirms once again that an atomic mushroom cloud is a clear symbol of war.

My Chemical Romance — Teenagers

2007 / Alternative Rock

The gang cultures, teens driven on over-hyped emotions, the way people use young people and expect them to behave in a certain way. Teenagers are being opressed and a revolting against that — thats what the song is about.

The image of mushroom cloud — symbol of power teenagers’ protest.

Compilation Album — Atomic Platters: Cold War Music From The Golden Age Of Homeland Security

since 2005

Songs in this compilation album are united by one common theme. They celebrate, lament or satirize the atomic bomb and the Cold War that started with the mushroom clouds over Japan.

This mushroom cloud is symbol of Cold War.


At first sight — an atomic mushroom cloud is just a symbol of weapon of mass destruction, but in fact it has more meanings in life, such as: great power, grandiosity, opposition, strength, war, destruction, apocalypse.

At the beginning of the research I thought I could classify meanings of this album covers, but at the end I understand that mushroom cloud has too many sense to classify them.

