Evaluating Bias in AI — Techniques and Tools to Fix It

4 min readMar 31, 2023


Bias in AI is a critical issue that can have severe implications for individuals and society as a whole. When using AI systems, it is essential to exercise caution to prevent bias from creeping into the models. Bias can occur in various ways, such as biased data used for training, algorithm design, or reliance on assumptions that are not valid for all groups.

To ensure that AI systems are fair, transparent, and accountable, it is vital to address bias in AI. This can be done by improving data collection methods, using diverse datasets, and testing AI systems for bias before deploying them. Addressing bias in AI is crucial because it can lead to discriminatory outcomes and inaccurate predictions and decisions. Organizations and marketing practices should exercise caution around the potential biases that can creep into their AI systems. They should ensure that their AI models are trained on diverse data sets accurately representing the real world.

Steps to Address Bias in AI Systems

Artificial intelligence has the potential to impact our lives significantly, but it is not immune to the biases that plague human decision-making. AI can perpetuate and even amplify biases that exist in our society, leading to unfair outcomes. To address this issue, companies and organizations need to proactively identify and mitigate biases in their AI systems. Below are some steps that can be taken to address bias in AI systems.

Analyze the Potential for Unfairness

The algorithm and data must first be analyzed to find locations with a significant possibility of bias. To avoid typical biases, this requires checking the training dataset to ensure it is representative and substantial enough. If you want to know if the model performance is the same across subpopulations, you may use subpopulation analysis. The model should be continuously checked because the results of ML algorithms might vary as they get better or as the training data changes.

Select a Debiasing Strategy

Companies should develop a debiasing plan that includes a portfolio of technological, operational, and organizational initiatives to reduce bias in AI systems. Using tools that can spot possible bias sources and highlight characteristics of the data that influence the model’s accuracy is part of the technical strategy. Using internal “red teams” and external auditors to improve data-gathering procedures is part of the operational plan. The organizational plan calls for creating a workplace with openly shared measurements and techniques.

Streamline Human-Driven Processes

Enhancing human-driven processes is also essential since model construction and evaluation might reveal biases in training data. Businesses may utilize this information to comprehend the causes of prejudice and then enhance the process itself to lessen bias through training, process design, and cultural changes.

Choose Use Cases

Bias may be reduced by deciding which use cases favor automated decision-making and which call for human involvement. For instance, human intervention may guarantee that choices are made equitably and after appropriately evaluating all pertinent factors regarding delicate matters like employment, loan approvals, or criminal justice.

Choose a Multidisciplinary Approach

Research and development can minimize bias in data sets and algorithms. Ethicists, social scientists, and subject matter specialists who are most knowledgeable about the complexities of each application field work together as part of a multidisciplinary team to eliminate prejudice. As a result, businesses should try to incorporate this expertise in their AI initiatives.

Diversify Your Business

Diversity in the AI community makes it easier to spot biases. Users that belong to that particular minority population are more likely to be the ones who first identify prejudice concerns. Consequently, keeping a diverse AI team can aid in reducing unintentional AI biases.

Tools for Evaluating Artificial Intelligence Bias

AI Fairness 360

The AI Fairness 360 is a collection of open-source tools developed by IBM Research to detect unintentional bias in databases and machine learning models. The package includes nine distinct techniques that can be used to reduce AI bias. It also features an interactive experience to help users select the most appropriate measures and algorithms for their specific needs. The IBM AI Fairness 360 software was created as open source to encourage scholars worldwide to contribute. The development team behind the package was diverse in terms of ethnicity, level of scientific knowledge, sexual orientation, years of experience, and other characteristics.

Google What-If Tool

Google’s What-If Tool is an interactive, open-source application that allows users to visualize and explore machine learning models. The tool enables users to evaluate data sets and display how machine learning models function under different circumstances. Users can also alter data samples directly and analyze the effects of these changes using the corresponding machine learning model. What-If’s graphical user interface simplifies the process for all users to discover and verify machine learning models and identify bias tendencies that were not previously discernible.


Microsoft’s Fairlearn is an open-source toolbox that helps developers and data scientists evaluate and improve equity in their AI systems. The package includes bias reduction algorithms, an interactive console, and instructional materials on procedures to reduce AI bias. The Fairlearn toolkit acknowledges that bias in AI systems is a technically societal dilemma with various complicated causes, including social and technical factors. The open-source package enables the entire community to evaluate bias losses, assess the impacts of policies that reduce bias, and tailor them for individuals who may be affected by AI predictions.

It is crucial to be aware of the potential for bias in AI and take proactive steps to prevent it. By doing so, we can ensure that AI systems are fair, transparent, and accountable and that they benefit everyone equally. Using the proper techniques and tools to evaluate and eradicate this AI bias can bring immense value to business today.

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