How to Install WAMP server for windows 10

Nikolai Savov
4 min readFeb 21, 2022


WAMP is an web server that stands for Windows. It’s a software which means WAMP installs Apache, MYSQL, and PHP on your windows operating system.

Instead of installing WordPress on your hosting account, you can do it on your personal computer (localhost).

How to install WAMP server

Step 1: Install Visual C/C++ Redistributable

Before proceeding with the installation of Wamp server, you must ensure that following elements are installed on your system, otherwise Wampserver will absolutely not run, BEFORE installing the elements that were missing. Make sure you are up to date with The Visual Studio Packages: 2015, 2017, 2019, and 2022

Please install the Visual Studio Packages directly from: Microsoft Visual C++ Page Here

Once you have installed the Visual C/C++ please restart your computer so it will allow us to move on next step and installing Wamp server successfully.

Step 2: Download The WAMP Server

The wampserver installing and very simple and easy. Just Open your browser and just navigate to official Wamp Download Page to start the setup. if you are running an very old machine downlaod the 32BITS installer instead.

Choose your choice of 32 or 64bit

Today, Most of computers are builded on 64bit systems so this is highly recommended to Choose 64bit version.

Once you clicked on the download button, please ignore all messages And ;Download it directly ; Here

Please file size of wamp server is almost 600MB so you can wait until download is completed.

Step 3: Launch The WAMP Installer

Once the WAMP server installer is downloaded, click on the installation file to launch the setup.

If you see allow this app from an unknown published to make changes to your device, then click the Yes button to continue.

Lets start withInstalling WAMP Server on Windows 10 machine.

Chose your language and click the OK button. English is by default.

Next On License Agreement Choose I accept and click Next

Please do not forget to read before carefully the information continue installing.

Next On the Select Destination Location, just leave the c:wamp64 directory by default.

In the Select Components window, you can customize your WAMP installation by adding with specific versions of PHP, MariaDB, or MySQL just choose PHP 7.3 and leave the other components by defaults and click the Next button.

On the Select Start Menu Folder window, and click Next.

Now You are ready to install WAMP Server on your windows 10 machine. Please review carefully the settings and click the Install button.

Wait about 3–5 minutes until WAMP installation is fully completed. So it can be used without any troubles.

Once installation process is done, a window will prompted to choose the the Browser you like to be used with the WampServer. Click Yes if you like to change to other browser than internet explorer, I use Chrome because this is faster and more secure browser.

Next, you will be asked if you want to use the Notepad as Text Editor with the WampServer.

Click No to leave by default Notepad as Text Editor.

On the WampServer Information window, select Next.

The WampServer installation is now fully completed. Make sure to save all your work and files before clicking the Finish button to restart your computer.

To Start WAMP Server on your windows 10, click the WAMP Server icon on your desktop machine or run the app from your Windows Start menu.

Your Wamp Server is now fully ready to use. You can access it by clicking the WAMP Server icon on your desktop.

Thanks for reading hope it helps.

