Savvy Raj
1 min readMar 24, 2017


My Digital Artwork Title : CIRCLE OF LIFE

# Unending Hope in Humanity

Life gives unto itself

Such is the eternal circle of life

Humanity is the eternal truth in art

Deeds of compassion are matters of the heart

Touched by gratitude in the living

Appeased by simple love in the sensing

Moved beyond the self in the feeling

Humanity thrives on in the being

Art moves the heart of man

Like an artist who creates with a elan

Marking his life dedicated to artistry

Life flows through another creativity…

Regenerating in every stroke

Reviving in every flourish

Patterns form in the shaping

Poetry emotes in the flowing

Such is the circle of life

Drawing us to hope beyond the strife

It matters not if ..

Art propels the healing through the hope in humanity

And life draws the meaning delving in the sheer artistry.

Circle moves on …

And life replenishes the soul of the artistry

And art bequeaths hope in humanity.

Savvy Raj

#Life&Living #Art&life

Savvy Raj

Dance Educator, Member International Council of Dance UNESCO /Artist /LinkedIn Global Goodwill Ambassador/Creative Writer/Life Coach/Consultant/ Mentor