Savannah Robinson
2 min readMay 27, 2017


Saturday sweet potato-cranberry-cornbread muffin poetry

Red plate, black coffee and warm-yellow sunshine love

Miracle minutes of sweet, soft and tender thoughts

Italian opera from the neighbour’s backyard dancing around my ears

Thinking about bike rides and beaches and where this evening will take us

Mindful of the pen in hand, the shoulder sunshine and the dog barking in the park

Yesterday’s tears soaked up by loving friends and a good night’s rest

Today smells both new and familiar all at the same time

Poetry without rhyme isn’t something I usually do

But it feels free once in a while to try something new

Slipping back into the way I know and like to write

Adventure like soul exercise with the peace and calm of home in sight

Sometimes we forget how special it is to offer what we know

Yet health and space arises when we let our knowledge flow

We are meant for movement: Up, Down, In, Out, North, South, East and West

In motion, our inner compass finds its still point and we exist at our best

Just because something happened to us a long time ago

Doesn’t mean its embers don’t continue to softly burn and glow

Our bodies exist to provide us with a boundary so we may find our way in

Because on this road of discovery is where we recognize we’re all next of kin

Connected by the sights, smells and sounds that write the stories for us to share

When we close our eyes and get quiet, the timeless love of Spirit is always there

Saturday sweet potato-cranberry-cornbread muffin poetry from me to you

Red plate, black coffee and warm-yellow sunshine love times two

