Animated Video Production | How Kurzgesagt videos are made and Why They are so Fascinating

J.D Rehbein-Wrightstein
3 min readOct 27, 2021
Photo by Boukaih on Unsplash

The idea of making animated videos for a living is not as complicated as it may seem. However, like any other profession, becoming an animator takes some time and effort. Especially when you’re just getting started and don’t know where to start.

In this article, we explore the process of how Kurzgesagt videos are made and why they are so fascinating: from the team’s storyboard to the final video with voice-overs and visuals.

How are Kurzgesagt videos made?

Before creating a video, the team first discusses its storyboard. Here, they decide on the specifics for each scene. For example, how many characters appear in the video, who will speak, and what jokes will be made. Then they turn ideas into a script, where they start writing the video’s narration and the lines for each character.

After this comes the storyboarding part, which is often done as a storyboard. That is, to create a sequence of images showing the action and dialogue, as well as the situations and characters that will appear in the video. Here’s an example:
The same applies…



J.D Rehbein-Wrightstein

“Content is written for a global audience not bound by time or place.” — J.D Rehbein-Wrightstein, illustrator, writer, and the founder of The Savytech articles