Nobel prize winner Joseph Stiglitz’s research and Carnegie’s Idea on Wealth Distribution

Innovation, wealth distribution, and social mobility: the Importance of Joseph Stiglitz’s research

J.D Rehbein-Wrightstein
9 min readSep 21, 2021

If you want to improve the lives of the poorest people in society, argue experts such as Nobel prize winner Joseph Stiglitz, you should take money away from the richest.

The strategy, called “progressive taxation,” has been shown to reduce economic inequality while boosting economic growth and public health.

In a recent lecture on income inequality at Stanford University in California, Stiglitz said that taxing into prosperity would reduce waste by giving poor people more money to spend. “We should tax more,” he said. “In this way, we could have less unemployment, better health, and a more inclusive society. It’s also an effective way of combating inequality.”

Stiglitz made the remarks in a lecture co-sponsored by the Stanford Institute for Economic Policy Research, a center that is dedicated to “advancing economic knowledge and solving society’s most important economic problems.”

In recent years, experts have increasingly recognized that extreme inequality can undermine economic growth and health while fueling resentment and…



J.D Rehbein-Wrightstein

“Content is written for a global audience not bound by time or place.” — J.D Rehbein-Wrightstein, illustrator, writer, and the founder of The Savytech articles