Astro Sawal
4 min readOct 25, 2023

How to Use Astrology to Understand Your Strengths and Weaknesses

Astrology is a complex and ancient system of knowledge that can be used to understand many aspects of our lives, including our strengths and weaknesses. By understanding our astrological chart, we can gain insights into our personality, talents, and challenges. This information can then be used to make better decisions in all areas of our lives.

Here is a step-by-step guide on how to use astrology to understand your strengths and weaknesses:

Find your astrological chart. You can generate your astrological chart on for free. You will need to know your birth date, time, and location in order to create your chart.

Identify your sun sign. Your sun sign is the zodiac sign that the sun was in at the time of your birth. It represents your core personality and ego.

Identify your moon sign [check here]. Your moon sign represents your emotions, subconscious mind, and inner needs.

Read More: Secrets of Vedic Astrology

Identify your ascendant sign [check here]. Your ascendant sign, also known as your rising sign, is the zodiac sign that was on the eastern horizon at the time of your birth. It represents your public image and the way you interact with the world around you.

Look at the other planets and houses in your chart [check here]. Each planet and house in your chart represents a different aspect of your life. For example, Mercury represents communication and intellect, Venus represents love and beauty, and Mars represents action and energy.

Interpret your chart. Once you have identified all of the planets and houses in your chart, you can begin to interpret it. Look for patterns and connections between the different signs and planets. Consider how the energies of the different planets are expressed in your life.

As you begin to interpret your astrological chart, you will start to see how it reflects your strengths and weaknesses. For example, if you have a strong Mercury in your chart, you may be good at communicating and writing. If you have a strong Venus in your chart, you may be creative and have a good sense of style. If you have a strong Mars in your chart, you may be energetic and assertive.

Once you understand your astrological strengths and weaknesses, you can use this information to make better decisions in all areas of your life. For example, if you know that you are good at communicating, you may want to choose a career that involves writing or public speaking. If you know that you are creative, you may want to pursue a career in the arts or design.

Here are some specific examples of how you can use astrology to understand your strengths and weaknesses:

· If you have a strong Sun sign, you are likely to be confident and self-assured. You may also be a natural leader.

· If you have a strong Moon sign, you are likely to be empathetic and compassionate. You may also have a strong intuition.

· If you have a strong Ascendant sign, you are likely to be outgoing and charismatic. You may also be good at making first impressions.

· If you have a strong Mercury in your chart, you are likely to be intelligent and communicative. You may also be good at problem-solving.

· If you have a strong Venus in your chart, you are likely to be creative and have a good sense of style. You may also be good at building relationships.

· If you have a strong Mars in your chart, you are likely to be energetic and assertive. You may also be good at taking action and achieving your goals.

It is important to note that astrology is not a one-size-fits-all system. Every person is unique, and their astrological chart is a reflection of that uniqueness. As such, it is important to interpret your chart with care and consideration.

If you are interested in learning more about astrology and how it can be used to understand your strengths and weaknesses, there are many resources available online and in libraries. You can also consult with a professional astrologer who can help you interpret your chart and provide you with guidance.

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Written by Acharya Ashish Jaiprakash

Astro Sawal

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