Decentralized application development company in India- A Brief Overview

3 min readSep 26, 2022


A “decentralized application” (DApp) is a type of software application that runs on a decentralized network. The most popular decentralized platform today is Ethereum, which allows developers to create and deploy smart contracts and decentralized applications.

DApps are similar to traditional web applications in that they have a front-end user interface and a backend codebase. However, they differ in that they are not controlled by any single entity. Rather, they are powered by a decentralized peer-to-peer network. This makes them more resistant to censorship and fraud.

There are many advantages of developing DApps, which is why DApp development is becoming more and more popular. The DApps Development Company in India, provides you with more reliable services.

The DApps Development Company in India

Some of the Advantages Of dApps Includes:

Third-party resistance:

Because DApps are not controlled by any third-party intermediaries, they are much more resistant to censorship. This means that users can be confident that the DApp will always be accessible, regardless of political or other pressures.

Transparent & Fraud resistance:

DApps are also more resistant to fraud than traditional applications, because all transactions on a DApp are recorded on a public blockchain. This makes it very difficult for anyone to tamper with the data.

Improved security:

The decentralized nature of DApps also improves security, as there is no central point of attack for hackers to target.

Lower costs:

Developing a DApp is often cheaper than developing a traditional application, as there is no need to set up costly infrastructure such as servers.

The DApps Development Company in India- Reasons to Consider It

As mentioned above, there are many advantages to developing DApps. However, there are some additional reasons why you should consider doing so in India specifically. These reasons include:

Cost advantage:

The cost of living in India is significantly lower than in many other countries, which means that you can get your DApp developed at a fraction of the cost than elsewhere.

Proven talent pool:

India has a large pool of talented developers to choose from. In addition, many Indian developers have experience working with blockchain technology and smart contracts, which will come in handy when developing your DApp.

Favorable government policies:

The government of India has been supportive of blockchain technology and has even set up a dedicated task force to explore its potential applications. This supportive environment is conducive to the development of successful DApps.


Decentralized application development company in India- The Final Word!

If you’re considering developing a DApp, India is definitely worth considering as your base of operations. The country offers significant cost advantages and has a large pool of talented developers to choose from. In addition, the government’s policies are favourable towards blockchain technology and its potential applications. All these factors make India an ideal place to develop your next decentralized application.




I am Sawati Verma working at a globally well known Blockchain Development Company- LBM Blockchain Solutions as an marketing manager.