‘In Rainbows’ Is Radiohead’s Best Album

Laura Bissessar
4 min readNov 3, 2021

I’m prepared for your rebuttal

Photo by Namroud Gorguis on Unsplash

You wouldn’t have clicked on this article if you weren’t already a fan, so I’m sure that you’re also excitedly awaiting the reissue of Kid A and Amnesiac that the illustrious musicians of Radiohead are dropping this week.

The announcement of this album threw me into a fit of nostalgia, and I decided to go back and listen to those two albums that were initially intended to be released as a double album 20 years ago. Then I decided, hey, let me listen to The Bends, and then Hail to the Thief, and then some B-sides I’ve only seldom heard… before I knew it, I was sucked into a Radiohead vortex, completely mixed up about which album I enjoyed more.

Now, you might be thinking that since I’m such a fangirl that I’m some sort of uppity audiophile. I’m not. I like what I like, and sometimes I take the deep dive into a band’s entire discography, and other times, if it’s not a Greatest Hits track, then I’ve never heard it. And I have no shame about my love for cheap and easy pop music.

But one thing’s for sure is that I’m right about In Rainbows being Radiohead’s best album. Pause here if this brings about any internalized rage.

Deep breath, and…

Was this process like a parent picking their favorite child? Yes. Does this mean…



Laura Bissessar

A writer and herbalist with an unreasonable amount of hobbies and interests.