Design patterns: Singleton part 2

Sławomir Kowalski
14 min readDec 14, 2018


I have not been here for a long time, mainly due to the lack of time and the topic to be discussed, but in the end the article is ready, as you guessed from the title the entry is the continuation of the first part about singleton because I thought that the first part is too poor :)


Hi everyone, after a long break in writing, there is a lot of material to describe and a lot has happened to me all this time 🙂 This article will be a continuation of the singleton, that is part two can be said, the first link is here I thought that the first part about singleton is too short and many issues related to the singleton is not explained, you have before you the second part of the singleton, which I think clearly explains the topic 🙂

We will also use unit tests today to demonstrate how they work with the singleton, later there will be a whole section on unit testing.

There is much to discuss today, but we can do it 💪

We’re going with a topic:)


I will also remind you a little about what a singleton is, in short, the goal of singleton is to limit the class instance to one and create global access to it.

A singleton class object is usually created (though not always because there are different ways) through the getInstance() method because the constructor is private, so you can not send parameters to the constructor.

Singleton can be used wherever we need to have only one object, it can represent eg monitor, mouse, land in some game because there is only one :), etc.

And an example of using singleton in practice is, for example, a login mechanism because the login panel is only one, the whole website, eg, the Internet website uses only one login class object :). An example of singleton usage can be eg the event tracking class, because two classes are not needed to track events.


  • Limiting the class instance to one object.
  • The possibility of global access to the singleton class.


You have a project where you can not duplicate an object, there must be only one, unique object and you need a global access to this object.


The singleton pattern scheme looks like this:

It is very easy as you can see, the client calls the static getInstance() method, which creates a singleton object for it.

As in the table above, it is described that the defined theInstance variable is global as well as the getInstance() method.

And we’re going to work :)

There are many ways to implement the singleton, but one by one, we’ll first see the most common ways to implement a singleton. And the most common are two ways.

Eager Initialization

The often encountered way of singleton implementation is the so-called eager initialization, its purpose is to create a private constructor and provide a static object field, and this field is returned by the GetInstance() method.

namespace SingletonScheme
public sealed class Singleton
private static readonly Singleton INSTANCE = new Singleton();
private Singleton(){} public static Singleton GetInstance()
return INSTANCE;
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
Singleton singleton= Singleton.GetInstance();

Static factory method Singleton

There is also a way to implement a singleton without the GetInstance() method with the public access specifier of the INSTANCE variable.

namespace SingletonScheme
public sealed class Singleton
public static readonly Singleton INSTANCE = new Singleton();
private Singleton(){}

However, the Eager initialization method is more practical and flexible because it allows you to create a singleton factory without creating specific class types.

These are the two most common ways of implementation in my opinion, but there are many more, let’s move on.

Lazy Initialization

Another way to create a singleton is the so-called lazy initialization, i.e. create a singleton class object when it is needed, so it does not take up the resources of the computer when it is not in use.

namespace LazyInitialization
public sealed class Singleton
private static Singleton INSTANCE;
private Singleton() { } public static Singleton getInstance()
if (INSTANCE == null)
INSTANCE = new Singleton();
Console.WriteLine("1. Is okay!");
else if(INSTANCE != null)
Console.WriteLine("2. Singleton can have only one instance!");
return INSTANCE;
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
Singleton singleton1 = Singleton.getInstance();
Singleton singleton2 = Singleton.getInstance(); Console.ReadKey();


It is also in C # way to shorten the lazy initialization code in .NET are ready functions.

namespace LazySingleton
public sealed class Singleton
private static readonly Lazy<Singleton> lazy =
new Lazy<Singleton>(() => new Singleton());
public static Singleton Instance { get { return lazy.Value; } } private Singleton(){}

This code is the same as the first from the Lazy Initialization point, just simply a shorter entry 🙂

Protection before multithreading

The problem may be when you will need to use singleton from many threads, because then the result from the Lazy initialization code can be like this:

But there is also a way to protect the singleton, because what for do we have the word lock in C #. 🙂

namespace SecureBeforeMultiThreading
class Singleton
private static Singleton INSTANCE;
private static readonly object balanceLock = new object();
private Singleton(){} public static Singleton getInstance()
if (INSTANCE == null)
lock (balanceLock)
if (INSTANCE == null)
INSTANCE = new Singleton();
Console.WriteLine("1. Is okay!");
Console.WriteLine("2. Singleton can have only one instance!");
return INSTANCE;
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
Task.Run(() =>
Singleton singleton1 = Singleton.getInstance();
Task.Run(() =>
Singleton singleton2 = Singleton.getInstance();

Now the result will usually be 🙂

Static Holder singleton

There is also another way of singleton implementation, singleton will be created only after calling the holder class.

namespace SingletonHolder
class Singleton
private Singleton(){}
public static Singleton getInstance()
return Holder.INSTANCE;
private static class Holder
public static Singleton INSTANCE = new Singleton();
public void DisplayMessage()
Console.WriteLine("We have singleton!!");
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
Singleton singleton = Singleton.getInstance();

This solution is good when we operate in a multi-threaded environment and allows us to create a singleton factory.

Enum singleton

There is another way to create a singleton from a different class. 🙂 This is a more concise way, but it differs from the enum statement of java. The most interesting is that there is no enum statement used at all, it is a Java equivalent.

namespace EnumSingleton
public class Singleton<T> where T : new()
private static T instance = new T();
public static T Instance
get { return instance; }
public class Product
private Product() { }
public int State { get; set; } public void DoSomething()
System.Console.WriteLine("I did something for the {0} time", ++State);
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)

As you can see instead of enum statement, generic types are used here, because enum works differently in Java and differently in C #. In this example, we made a singleton from the Product class. The disadvantages are that there is no lazy loading and we have no guarantee that there will be one Product class object and this is due to the public constructor. As we use generic types here, the constructor must be public.

It’s a bit of it, it’s time for a joke.

An IT specialist says to the computer scientist: — That’s enough programming, enough programming, enough a computer for today. Time to read something. And he began to read the e-book.

Actually, something in this lame joke is 🙂

Creating a singleton with reflection

Singleton can be broken even if we have a private constructor, thanks to reflection. Reflections form a class object during the lifetime of the so-called runtime program.

Consider this example:

namespace SingletonReflection
public sealed class Singleton
public static readonly Singleton INSTANCE = new Singleton();
private Singleton(){} public static Singleton GetInstance()
return INSTANCE;
public void DisplayMessage()
Console.WriteLine("We have singleton");
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
var singleton1 = Singleton.GetInstance();
var singleton2 = Activator.CreateInstance(typeof(Singleton), true);

In the Main function, we will create a singleton using the GetInstance() method and with reflection.

Let’s see the result:

As we can see, hashcodes are not the same, so these singleton objects are not the same. In this way, you can break a singleton. Fortunately, there is an easy way to protect the singleton from reflections. Just add the code to the constructor:

private Singleton()
if (INSTANCE != null)
throw new Exception("Singleton already constructed");

Now we will get the exception:

Protection against cloning

It would also be good to protect the singleton from cloning, because it is known, if we would clone the singleton class, then it would not be just one class. 🙂 Here’s how to do it in .NET:

namespace SecureBeforeCloning
public class Singleton
private static readonly Singleton INSTANCE = new Singleton();
private Singleton() { } protected object MemberwiseClone()
throw new Exception("There can be only one singleton");
public static Singleton Instance
get { return INSTANCE;}
public void DisplayMessage()
Console.WriteLine("Singleton can have only one instance!");

All you need to do is add and change the MemberwiseClone() method in case C # this is quite simple 🙂

Protection against serialization

You can also break the singleton by serialization in this way as shown below:

namespace SecureBeforeDeserialize
public class Singleton
public static Singleton instance = new Singleton();
private Singleton(){} protected Object GetInstance()
return instance;
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
Singleton instanceOne = Singleton.instance;
BinaryFormatter binFormat = new BinaryFormatter();
string path = "C:\\Users\\" + Environment.UserName + "\\Desktop\\filename.ser"; FileStream savefile = new FileStream(path, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Write);
binFormat.Serialize(savefile, instanceOne);
FileStream openfile = new FileStream(path, FileMode.Open); Singleton instanceTwo = (Singleton)binFormat.Deserialize(openfile);
Console.WriteLine("instanceOne hashCode=" + instanceOne.GetHashCode());
Console.WriteLine("instanceTwo hashCode=" + instanceTwo.GetHashCode());

First, we create a singleton object then create the path to the file to which we want to save this object. Then we open this file and deserialize the saved object from this file and we broke the singleton as seen in the result below the hashcodes are not the same.


And how to protect against singleton serialization? In the case of C # it’s quite simple 🙂 We just do not add the word Serializable.

And in Java, just add the readResolve() method to avoid serialization, in the summary I will add a link to the article in which most of the examples very similar to those here, is in java those who write in java will be easier to transfer examples from this article to java.

And probably everyone feels like einstein 🙂

But this is not the end, we are going further 🙂

Singleton unit testing

According to some singleton is untestable, if you remember to clean it before each test and if someone implements the singleton interface, which serves as its type, there will be no problem in testing or mocking the singleton, we will see how to test the singleton class example.

Here are examples of tests.

namespace TestSingleton
public class SingletonTest
public void TestSetup()
public void Singleton_value()
public void Singleton_null_value()
public void Singleton_field_test_has_value()
SomeClass someClass = new SomeClass(Singleton.Instance);
bool condition=someClass.SomeLogic(3); NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(true, condition);

And here is the singleton class.

namespace TestSingleton
public interface IMoq
bool SomeLogic(int test);
public class Singleton: IMoq
private static Singleton _instance;
public static Singleton Instance {get{return _instance;}}
private Singleton(){} public static Singleton getInstance()
if (_instance == null)
_instance = new Singleton();
return _instance;
public static void resetForTesting()
_instance = null;
public bool SomeLogic(int test)
return true;
return false;
public class SomeClass
private readonly IMoq _iMoq;
public SomeClass(IMoq iMoq)
_iMoq = iMoq;
public bool SomeLogic(int test)
return _iMoq.SomeLogic(test);

At the moment I gave a random example of tests, just to illustrate how it looks with the singleton.

For now, on SomeClass and SomeLogic() method, we do not pay attention, I’ve specially complicated this class to show how mocking works, but it’s for a moment. First, let’s focus on the tests themselves.

In our case, before each test call, we create a singleton object, then if we want to clear the singleton class then we have to call the resetForTesting() method, now the private variable _instance will be empty.

Now let’s see what the mocking looks like, this is the mocking class.

namespace TestSingleton
public class Mocking
public void MockingSingleton()
var mock = new Mock<IMoq>();
mock.Setup(x => x.SomeLogic(It.IsAny<int>())).Returns(()=>true);
SomeClass someClass = new SomeClass(mock.Object); NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(true, someClass.SomeLogic(3));

As we can see, we do not mock the singleton class only its interface, which makes mocking easier, set the dummy of the SomeLogic() method so that it always returns the true condition, no matter what argument we pass to the SomeLogic() method.

And using Dependency Injection, we pass the dummy of the singleton object to the SomeClass class and call the SomeLogic() method in the SomeClass class.

The result of all tests, of course, everything is fine 🙂

Open-closed singleton

Some say that the singleton breaks the open-closed principle, but when we change the specific type of singleton to the interface, this problem disappears. Example below 🙂

namespace OpenClosedSingleton
public interface AbstractSingleton
void DisplayMessage();
public sealed class Singleton : AbstractSingleton
private static AbstractSingleton INSTANCE;
private Singleton() { } public static AbstractSingleton getInstance()
if (INSTANCE == null)
INSTANCE = new Singleton();
return INSTANCE;
public void DisplayMessage()
Console.WriteLine("Singleton can have only one instance!");
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
AbstractSingleton singleton = Singleton.getInstance();

Real-life example


Now let’s make a practical example using the singleton, assume that we have to make a system that counts the number of votes for each presidential candidate and chooses the one with the largest number of votes. Below is a picture to illustrate the situation.

Let’s see how it looks in the code

namespace Government
public sealed class Government
private static readonly Government INSTANCE = new Government();
private int BarakObamaVotes = 324;
private int DonaldTrumpVotes = 425;
private int BenjaminFranklinVotes = 231;
private Government() { } public static Government Instance
return INSTANCE;
public void Election()
int[] presidents = { BarakObamaVotes, DonaldTrumpVotes, BenjaminFranklinVotes };
int president = presidents.Max();
int p = Array.IndexOf(presidents, president); if(p==0)
Console.WriteLine("Chosen is Barak Obama");
else if (p == 1)
Console.WriteLine("Chosen is Donald Trump");
else if (p == 2)
Console.WriteLine("Chosen is Benjamin Franklin");
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
Government government = Government.Instance;

Everything is carried out in the singleton Government class. I do not think I need to explain anything here, it is a simple example.


In addition, we will combine the singleton with the strategy model, let’s assume we want to get rid of these if statements in the Election() method, these statements look ugly🙂 , we will try to limit the number of if statements.

Let’s start with the classes of presidents.

namespace GovernmentWithStrategy
class BarakObama : Interface
private int _votes = 356;
public int Votes { get => _votes; }
public void ChosenPresident()
Console.WriteLine("Chosen is Barak Obama");
class BenjaminFranklin : Interface
private int _votes = 467;
public int Votes { get => _votes; }
public void ChosenPresident()
Console.WriteLine("Chosen is Benjamin Franklin");
class DonaldTrump : Interface
private int _votes = 545;
public int Votes { get => _votes;}
public void ChosenPresident()
Console.WriteLine("Chosen is Donald Trump");

Singleton class and interface.

namespace GovernmentWithStrategy
public interface Interface
int Votes { get;}
void ChosenPresident();
public sealed class Government
private static readonly Government INSTANCE = new Government();
static Interface BarakObama;
static Interface DonaldTrump;
static Interface BenjaminFranklin;
private Government() { } public static Government Instance
return INSTANCE;
BarakObama = new BarakObama();
DonaldTrump = new DonaldTrump();
BenjaminFranklin = new BenjaminFranklin();
public void Election()
int[] presidents = { BarakObama.Votes, DonaldTrump.Votes, BenjaminFranklin.Votes };
int president = presidents.Max();
if (president > 500)
ChoosePresident choosePresident = new ChoosePresident(new DonaldTrump());

The class of the strategy to which we pass the created classes in the Election() method.

namespace GovernmentWithStrategy
class ChoosePresident
private Interface _strategy;
public ChoosePresident(Interface strategy)
_strategy = strategy;
public void ContextInterface()

And finally the client.

namespace GovernmentWithStrategy
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
Government government = Government.Instance;

The result will be the same as in the example with no strategy.

Of course, there is definitely a better solution in the Election() method, to choose presidents eg using a dictionary or assign id to the presidents to find the president with the biggest vote for id, but I did not want to complicate it anymore, I just wanted it to be easy to understand .

Naturally, in the comments I encourage you to post your own solution, for the creator of the best solution will send interesting books in pdf about marketing, sales or programming, you can choose 🙂

If someone will write their solution in the commentary, please provide an email to know where I should send these books 🙂

Relations with other design patterns


And that’s the end of the second part about singleton 🙂

Link to github with the whole code from this article:

This content also you can find on my blog

For many singleton is considered an anti-pattern, in part it is, but mainly because it is often abused, just use it with common sense and will not give us a big project errors every few minutes 🙂.

All examples are here in C # is also a nice article that shows some of these examples in java, for those who write only in java, I think it will be a big convenience, here it gives you a link:

I think I’ll stop writing my blog for now, I’m tired 😂😂

Do not take it easy I’m kidding 🙂, the next article I think will be more specific about dependency Injection, but we’ll see it again.

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Ask, comment underneath at the end of the post, share it, rate it, whatever you want🙂.

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