AI Bot vs Human Intelligence

Sayali Shinde
3 min readMar 24, 2019


Both the term Artificial Intelligence and Human Intelligence have same concept of Intelligence, so what is intelligence?

Intelligence is a ability to learn from experience and solve the problems by acquiring knowledge and understanding the conclusion, imagination, judgements and inferences from the facts to make better decisions for solving the problem and adapt new situations. So what is the difference between artificial intelligence and human intelligence?

“ Intelligence is the ability to adapt the change. “

Human Intelligence is a quality of mind to learn from past experience, adaptation to new situations, ability to change his own environment and handling abstract ideas from the gained knowledge. Human intelligence revolves around adapting to the environment using a merging of various cognitive processes. HI is a real creator of AI bots.

“ Creativity is the greatest gift of human intelligence. “

Artificial Intelligence is a field of computer science and engineering to study and design of Intelligent bots. This intelligent bots have the ability to analyze the environment and produce actions. AI focus on designing machines that can mimic human behavior. AI bots are developed for a particular tasks only and it is not easily possible to be applicable on other tasks.

“The potential benefits of artificial intelligence are huge, so are the dangers.“

Difference between AI bot vs human intelligence

Key Differences

Below are the key difference between artificial intelligence bots and human intelligence;

Nature of Presence

Human intelligence revolves around adapting to the environment using a merging of various cognitive processes. Artificial intelligence bots is a field of designing machines that can try to mimic human behavior.

Memory usage

Humans brains exact storage capacity for memories which is difficult to calculate whereas, AI bots use the built-in instructions, designed by scientists.

Mode of creation

Human intelligence is a creation of God. Artificial intelligence is the name which is artificial, little and temporary created by humans. Humans intelligence is the real creator of the artificial intelligence.

Learning process

Learning is the process of acquiring knowledge, behaviors, skills, value or preferences. The ability to learn is possessed by humans. Human learning begins from birth and continues till death. However, for Artificial intelligence is developed for the specific tasks only and its applicability on other tasks may not be easily possible. AI bots are trained by human using various algorithms to perform specific tasks.

Sensory information

We humans have the ability to sense.AI bot can never ever replicate all these senses. AI will operate only in the realm of information processing.


AI can beat HI in some specific areas such as in Chess a supercomputer has beaten the human player due to being able to store all the moves played by all humans so far and being able to think ahead 10 moves as compared to human players who can think 10 steps ahead but cannot store and retrieve that number of moves in Chess.


Artificial Intelligence can benefit the lives of each and every individual because it has the potential to offer a technology which can be implemented in day-to-day life and would make human lives easier, it will perhaps never be possible for such machines to completely replace the human resource.

”It’s very hard to understand the world from a human perspective” said Bart Selman. Whether it is common sense or emotions, AI bot continues to struggle with some of the most basic world views of the human brain, due to its inability to learn the way humans do.AI bots can’t learn like a human, it can’t act like a human and it can’t listen like a human because its creators still don’t know what it means to be human.

“ As computers become more and more powerful, they won’t be substitutes for humans, they’ll be complements. “



Sayali Shinde

4+ years React Native experience. Proficient in full cycle, mentorship, and client relations. Delivered successful projects.