Setup Hasura/local-development!!!

Sayali Anant Jawre
4 min readJun 20, 2017


Task 2.3) Setup Hasura/Local-development

Hola readers !!!!!!! Having reached this blog means you are liking our content :D !!! In the last blog we talked about the Git, various commands associated with it and its pros( Link :-Here).Moving ahead,this blog will guide you through the installation of Hasura/Local development on your machines along with a brief description about Virtual Box. Lets get started! :D

1. Setup Hasura /Local Development

Assuming you have already installed Linux Mint 18.1 or Ubuntu 16.04 on your machines. But if not installed you can check out this link :- Installing Linux Mint 18.1/Ubuntu 16.04. Now, its time to set up the Hasura Local development!

The links below will help you get a clear idea about the steps of installation.

  1. Hasura Internship Tasks

2. Hasura Local Development GitHub page( file)

On a personal note, I prefer watching a video rather than reading a set of steps(Signs of a lazy person which I am :D) So, we tried to increase your comfort by providing a small video about the installation created by Me and my partner, Ms Sayali Jawre!! :D

Also, a point to be noted that… during the installation process, i.e. at the last step when you will get a link “” in the terminal after running the command “hasuractl local start” wherein you have to login…. after clicking on the link, you may get a message like {“message”:”No routes defined for this subdomain”} on the webpage. Don’t get scared seeing the message…. just refresh the webpage 2 to 3 times and wait for some time, you will surely get the login page(experienced person!!! :D).

2. Virtual Box

VirtualBox is a cross-platform virtualization application.For one thing, it installs on your existing Intel or AMD-based computers, whether they are running Windows, Mac, Linux or Solaris operating systems. Secondly, it extends the capabilities of your existing computer so that it can run multiple operating systems (inside multiple virtual machines) at the same time. So, for example, you can run Windows and Linux on your Mac, run Windows Server 2008 on your Linux server, run Linux on your Windows PC, and so on, all alongside your existing applications. You can install and run as many virtual machines as you like — the only practical limits are disk space and memory.

VirtualBox is deceptively simple yet also very powerful. It can run everywhere from small embedded systems or desktop class machines all the way up to datacenter deployments and even Cloud environments.

The techniques and features that VirtualBox provides are useful for several scenarios:

  • Running multiple operating systems simultaneously. VirtualBox allows you to run more than one operating system at a time. This way, you can run software written for one operating system on another (for example, Windows software on Linux or a Mac) without having to reboot to use it. Since you can configure what kinds of “virtual” hardware should be presented to each such operating system, you can install an old operating system such as DOS or OS/2 even if your real computer’s hardware is no longer supported by that operating system.
  • Easier software installations. Software vendors can use virtual machines to ship entire software configurations. For example, installing a complete mail server solution on a real machine can be a tedious task. With VirtualBox, such a complex setup (then often called an “appliance”) can be packed into a virtual machine. Installing and running a mail server becomes as easy as importing such an appliance into VirtualBox.
  • Testing and disaster recovery. Once installed, a virtual machine and its virtual hard disks can be considered a “container” that can be arbitrarily frozen, woken up, copied, backed up, and transported between hosts.
  • On top of that, with the use of another VirtualBox feature called “snapshots”, one can save a particular state of a virtual machine and revert back to that state, if necessary. This way, one can freely experiment with a computing environment. If something goes wrong (e.g. after installing misbehaving software or infecting the guest with a virus), one can easily switch back to a previous snapshot and avoid the need of frequent backups and restores.
  • Any number of snapshots can be created, allowing you to travel back and forward in virtual machine time. You can delete snapshots while a VM is running to reclaim disk space.
  • Infrastructure consolidation. Virtualization can significantly reduce hardware and electricity costs. Most of the time, computers today only use a fraction of their potential power and run with low average system loads. A lot of hardware resources as well as electricity is thereby wasted. So, instead of running many such physical computers that are only partially used, one can pack many virtual machines onto a few powerful hosts and balance the loads between them.

What would we use virtualbox for?

The basic use of Virtual Box is to enable the installation of an OS on a machine with a different OS.We would be using the Virtual Box to install the Hasura Local development on our machines. We start the Hasura Local Development by opening a terminal and entering our login credentials for Hasura thereby invoking Virtual Box.

This is it for Week 2 of the ‘Hasura Summer Internship’.Stay tuned for the next blog :) . Till then, Ciao!!!

