Introduction of Java:-

Sayali Vikas Powar
3 min readOct 31, 2021


  • Java was introduced by James Gosling at sun Micro systems Inc in the year 1991.
  • It is one of most popular programming language.
  • Java is mainly used for developing web applications and platforms.
  • Java was mainly developed to write such a type of code that can be run on any platform or operating system.

Features of Java (Buzzwords):-

  1. Simple:- Java programming language is easy to learn. Its syntax is easy to understand.
  2. Object Oriented- java is also called as pure object oriented language because it supports concepts of object oriented programming. It mainly support features like Abstraction, encapsulation and inheritance.
  3. Platform Independent- Java is platform independent because program compiled on one platform can be executed on any platform without any modification.
  4. Secured:- Java is mostly known for security. We can develop virus-free systems. As compare other programming language java is more secure language because it does not allow user to create explicitly pointer.
  5. Architectural Neutral Program written on one operating system can run on any operating system. In simple words we can say it as write once run anywhere without recompiling.
  6. Portable- Java is portable language because we can run javabyte code on any hardware. It does not require any implementation.
  7. High Performance:- Java has a faster performance it provides high performance by using just in time compiler[JIT].It also saves time.
  8. Multi threading:- Multithreading means performing multiple task at a time.
  9. Dynamic:- Java is dynamic because we create new through sub classes new methods and objects.
  10. Robust:- Java is Robust because it is capable to handle run time errors and also avoid explicit pointer.

What is JVM:-

  1. JVM stands for Java virtual machine.
  2. It is platform independent because configuration for each operating system is different.
  3. It doesn’t exists physically so it is called as virtual machine.
  4. JVM provides runtime environment where java byte code can be executed.

What is JRE?

  1. JRE stands for Java Runtime Environment
  2. JVM is set a set of software tools which are used for developing java apps.
  3. It is implementation of JVM.
  4. It physically exists.
  5. It contains a set of libraries and other files that is used by JVM during runtime.

What is JDK?

  1. JDK stands for Java Development kit.
  2. JVM is mainly used to develop java apps and applets.
  3. It physically exists.
  4. It contains JRE and development tools.

What is JIT?

  1. JIT stands for just in time compiler.
  2. It is an important part of JRE because it increase the performance of java applications.
  3. It compiles bytecodes to native machine code at runtime.
  4. If there is no JIT then virtual machine requires extra CPU and memory.

What is Bytecode?

  1. Java Bytecode is link between low-level and high-level language.
  2. It allows JVM to translate java code to machine understandable language.
  3. Byte code get generate in the form of .class file.
  4. With the help of bytecode java achieves security and portability.

