Sayan Majumder
5 min readOct 23, 2023

Old 1950s Computers: A History of Innovation and Transformation

The 1950s was a decade of remarkable achievements and rapid changes in the field of computing. From the first stored-program computers to the emergence of artificial intelligence, the 1950s witnessed the birth and evolution of many technologies that shaped the modern world. In this article, we will explore some of the most significant and influential computers and developments that occurred in the 1950s, and how they contributed to the advancement of science, industry, and society.

The First Stored-Program Computers

One of the major breakthroughs in computing in the 1950s was the introduction of stored-program computers, which could store both data and instructions in their internal memory. This allowed for more flexibility and efficiency in programming and executing tasks, as well as enabling the development of higher-level languages and software.

Some of the first stored-program computers that were developed and demonstrated in the 1950s include:

These early stored-program computers paved the way for more sophisticated and powerful machines that followed in the later years of the decade.

The Turing Test and Artificial Intelligence

Another milestone in computing in the 1950s was the publication of the Turing test by Alan Turing in October 1950. The Turing test was a series of evaluations meant to test a computer’s ability to demonstrate human intelligence. It involved a human interrogator who would communicate with two entities, one human and one computer, through text messages, and try to determine which one was which. If the computer could fool the interrogator into thinking that it was human, then it would pass the test1.

The Turing test established itself as the guiding principle of artificial intelligence research, which aimed to create machines that could think, learn, and reason like humans. Some of the early attempts to create artificial intelligence in the 1950s include:

These early examples of artificial intelligence showed that computers could perform tasks that required logic, creativity, and problem-solving skills.

The Rise of Commercial Computers

Another important development in computing in the 1950s was the rise of commercial computers, which were sold to various industries and sectors for various purposes. Commercial computers were more affordable, reliable, and user-friendly than their predecessors, and they offered many benefits such as increased productivity, accuracy, speed, and storage.

Some of the most popular and influential commercial computers that were introduced in the 1950s include:

These commercial computers revolutionized various fields such as business, science, engineering, education, and government, and they created a huge demand for computer professionals and services.


The 1950s was a decade of innovation and transformation in computing. The introduction of stored-program computers, the publication of the Turing test, and the rise of commercial computers were some of the major events and developments that occurred in the 1950s, and they had a lasting impact on the history and future of computing. The 1950s laid the foundations for the subsequent decades of computing, which would witness even more remarkable achievements and changes in technology and society.