The Sparks Foundation Marketing Plan

Sayan Seth
3 min readOct 20, 2020



The Sparks Foundation is working to bring parity in education, making sure children have equal opportunity at success, irrespective of the financial background.

Vision Statement

◦ A world of enabled and connected little minds, building future.

Our Mission Statement


◦ To inspire students, help them innovate and let them integrate to build the next generation humankind.


◦ To inspire, motivate and encourage students to learn, create and help build a better society.


◦ To teach new ways of thinking, to innovate and solve the problems on their own.


To let the students integrate, and help each other, learn from each other and do well together

Marketing Analysis of LinkedIn for TSF:-

The basis of marketing has been found out to be extravagantly dependent on the reach of social media handles. Thus the effect of social media handles brings about great impact.


The major part of social media marketing in professional network lies in the LinkedIn marketing.

• Strategic Creation of various posters and relevant contents for the platform to bring about social presence.

• Enhancing User-Engagement through various demo events of mentorship,internships.etc

• LinkedIn ads Promotion and hyperlinking on other websites -the links of the TSF Platform.

• Creating various competitions on LinkedIn and making the student community on LinkedIn the target Audience.

  • Creating engaging videos and engaging target audience to react to grow and build network through the participants.

TSF Programs and their Execution:-

• Introduction of large scale workshops in collaboration with school/college students on motivational sessions can enhance the overall outlook of the user-base of TSF Platform.

• The creation of various courses on trending technologies, leadership qualities and also enhancement of soft skills courses can bring about an overall radical change in the participants and also enhance the promotion and profit of the platform.

• The idea of Inspire, Integrate and Innovate can be achieved easily through various opportunities creation on trending domains in the form of scholarship programme or internships.

  • The Methodology of creating mass awareness on the pathetic conditions of the needy through various NGO Platforms and social media reach can be a great tool to increase the potential of the motto of TSF.

Objectives for Marketing Plan:-

  1. Creation Of greater User Base and enhancing max. reach
  2. Increased Profitability in the mere future through new business revenue model.
  3. More Accessibility to the TSF Platform.
  4. Creation of user friendly platform to support writeups and make them shareable for the user base.

Contents to be put on TSF Platform:-

Contents should be based on overcoming Quarantine Boredom and moreover catchy to the target audience including informative stuffs.

Future Prospects:-

1.Enhanced Business Revenue Model

2.Bi-Weekly Magazine featuring informative articles on Internship Opportunities and latest technology in the world.

3.Paid registrations for Competitive Contests to help the SOS Student Programme.

4.Corporate Tie-Ups to provide paid Contents (TSF-Service Provider, Corporate-Client Model.)

