Assessing Hamid Karzai’s Presidency: A Complex Legacy for Pashtuns and Afghanistan

Sayed M Naim Khalid
3 min readSep 30, 2023



The presidency of Hamid Karzai, a prominent Pashtun leader, marked a critical period in Afghanistan’s history. As the first post-Taliban president, Karzai faced immense challenges, including rebuilding a war-torn nation, promoting unity among diverse ethnic groups, and establishing a functional government. This essay aims to explore whether Hamid Karzai’s presidency set a wrong foundation for supporting Pashtuns, neglected their interests, empowered their adversaries, and removed cultural barriers for them. It will also analyze his achievements and the criticisms levied against him during his time in office.

Setting the Foundation for Pashtun Support

Hamid Karzai, a Pashtun himself, was well-positioned to garner support from his ethnic group, which constitutes a significant portion of Afghanistan’s population. However, it is essential to distinguish between his personal identity as a Pashtun and his role as the president of Afghanistan. Karzai did not inherently set a wrong foundation for supporting Pashtuns; rather, he faced a delicate balancing act. He needed to represent all ethnic groups in Afghanistan, as his presidency aimed to unite a nation fragmented by decades of conflict.

Neglecting Pashtun Interests?

One of the primary criticisms leveled against Karzai is that he neglected the interests of Pashtuns during his presidency. This perception stems from the belief that he favored political allies from other ethnic groups, which some interpreted as sidelining Pashtuns. However, it is essential to recognize that Karzai had to navigate a diverse and complex political landscape where ethnic tensions were always simmering. His attempts to create a more inclusive government cannot be construed as neglecting his own people.

Empowering Pashtun’s Enemies?

Accusations that Karzai empowered Pashtun’s enemies from other ethnic groups are also rooted in the complexities of Afghan politics. Karzai’s presidency sought to bring together different factions and ethnicities to ensure stability. Some of the individuals he appointed to key positions may have had conflicts with Pashtun interests, but it was often a pragmatic choice aimed at building a broader coalition to govern the country.

Removing Cultural Barriers for Pashtuns

Hamid Karzai’s presidency did make progress in terms of removing cultural barriers for Pashtuns. Afghanistan had been under the repressive rule of the Taliban, which imposed strict interpretations of Islamic law, stifling cultural diversity. Karzai’s administration allowed for greater freedom of speech, religion, and personal expression. This benefited not only Pashtuns but all Afghans.

Karzai’s Achievements

Despite the challenges and criticisms, Karzai’s presidency achieved several notable milestones. His policies created opportunities for education and personal growth, as evidenced by my personal experience. The freedom of speech, religion, and investment were crucial steps in rebuilding Afghanistan as a more open and prosperous society. These achievements cannot be understated, as they set the stage for the country’s recovery.

Corruption Scandals and Appointments

Karzai’s presidency was marred by allegations of corruption, which plagued his government. While it is unfair to place the blame solely on him, his administration did not do enough to curb corruption effectively. The appointment of warlords and individuals with limited education and experience to key positions was a controversial aspect of his presidency. However, it is essential to consider the political realities and compromises he had to make to maintain stability.

Influence of Americans and Independence

Karzai’s presidency was undoubtedly influenced by American policies and support. Afghanistan relied heavily on international assistance, and Karzai had to navigate this relationship carefully. While some argue that this influence compromised his independence, it can also be seen as a necessary partnership to rebuild a war-ravaged country.


In conclusion, Hamid Karzai’s presidency was marked by complex challenges, including balancing the interests of various ethnic groups and managing international influence. While criticisms exist regarding his approach to Pashtun interests, it is essential to understand the broader context in which he operated. Karzai’s administration achieved significant milestones in promoting freedom and opportunities in Afghanistan, and these accomplishments laid the foundation for the nation’s progress. Evaluating his legacy requires a nuanced understanding of the complexities he faced during his tenure as president.



Sayed M Naim Khalid

Sayed is engaged in authoring content related to the Pashtun community, driven by his interest in both cultural exchange and international development.