Conflict in the Diaspora: The Struggle of Eritreans in the UK Against the Isayas Afeworki Regime

15 min readDec 31, 2023



The small East African nation of Eritrea, under the leadership of President Isayas Afeworki, presents a tapestry of paradoxes. On one hand, it is a country of stark natural beauty and rich cultural heritage. On the other, it is marred by a political landscape that has been the impetus for a significant outflow of its citizens. This introduction delves into the complex political situation under Afeworki’s regime, explores the motivations driving Eritreans to seek refuge in the United Kingdom, and sets the stage for a discussion on the ensuing conflicts within the Eritrean diaspora in the UK.

AI’s imagination of a divided Eritrean community in a Western city, depicting a violent confrontation between London Metropolitan Police and a critical group expressing dissent in an urban setting like London

The Political Situation in Eritrea

Since its independence from Ethiopia in 1993, Eritrea has been under the tight grip of President Isayas Afeworki. The regime, often criticized for its authoritarian practices, has been marked by severe restrictions on freedom of speech, press, and assembly. The indefinite national service, which subjects citizens to prolonged periods of conscription, has been a particularly contentious issue, often cited as a form of state-imposed forced labor. These conditions, coupled with a lack of political pluralism and allegations of human rights abuses, have painted a grim picture of the nation’s internal affairs.

Why Eritreans Flee to the UK

In pursuit of safety, freedom, and better opportunities, many Eritreans have undertaken perilous journeys to the United Kingdom. The reasons are multifaceted — from escaping the indefinite and harsh national service, to seeking asylum from political persecution, and the desire for a stable environment to rebuild lives disrupted by an oppressive regime. The UK, with its promises of democracy and human rights protections, stands as a beacon of hope for these individuals.

Conflict Among the Eritrean Diaspora in the UK

The UK’s Eritrean community, however, is not a monolith. It reflects the diverse perspectives and allegiances that one would expect from a group uprooted from a politically complex homeland. The recent surge in violence among Eritreans in the UK highlights deep-seated divisions: between those who support Afeworki’s regime and those vehemently opposed to it. This conflict, transcending geographical boundaries, raises questions about identity, loyalty, and the challenges of preserving peace within a diaspora community.

As we explore these issues, this article seeks to shed light on the nuances of the Eritrean diaspora’s experiences, the underlying causes of their internal conflicts, and the broader implications of their struggles in the UK.

Background of the Eritrean Diaspora in the UK

Understanding the Eritrean diaspora in the United Kingdom requires a journey through the corridors of history and a close examination of the demographic and social makeup of this unique immigrant community. This section provides an overview of the migration waves from Eritrea to the UK and paints a picture of the Eritrean immigrant demographic, shedding light on their social dynamics and community structure in their new homeland.

Historical Context: Migration Waves of Eritreans to the UK

The migration of Eritreans to the United Kingdom can be traced back to several key periods, each characterized by distinct push and pull factors. The earliest significant wave occurred in the late 20th century, primarily driven by the Eritrean War of Independence against Ethiopia. This conflict, spanning from 1961 to 1991, led to the displacement of thousands, many of whom sought refuge in various countries, including the UK.

Inclusive Political Engagement:The post-independence period, under President Isayas Afeworki, saw continued migration, albeit for different reasons. The implementation of indefinite national service, the lack of political freedom, and the regime’s repressive practices prompted a new wave of Eritreans to flee their homeland. The UK, with its promise of political asylum and a robust Eritrean community, became a preferred destination.

Demographic and Social Profile of Eritrean Immigrants in the UK

The Eritrean community in the UK is diverse, consisting of individuals from various ethnic, religious, and socio-economic backgrounds. This diversity reflects the multi-ethnic composition of Eritrea itself, with members belonging to the Tigrinya, Tigre, Saho, Kunama, and other ethnic groups, and practicing Christianity and Islam.

These immigrants have settled in various regions across the UK, with notable concentrations in cities like London, Birmingham, and Manchester. They have formed a vibrant community, establishing Eritrean churches, mosques, cultural associations, and restaurants, thereby creating a sense of home away from home.

However, this community also faces challenges. Integration into British society, maintaining cultural identity, generational gaps, and differing political views, especially regarding the Eritrean regime, contribute to the complexity of their social fabric. The younger generation of Eritreans, many of whom were born or raised in the UK, often navigates a delicate balance between their Eritrean heritage and British identity.

As we delve deeper into the lives of Eritrean immigrants in the UK, it becomes clear that their story is not just one of migration and settlement, but also of adaptation, resilience, and the continuous search for identity and belonging in a foreign land.

The Isayas Afeworki Regime and its Impact on the Diaspora

This section delves into the heart of the issue — the influence of the Isayas Afeworki regime on the Eritrean diaspora in the United Kingdom. We begin with an overview of the regime and its policies, examine the resulting divide within the UK’s Eritrean community, and finally, present personal narratives that bring to life the experiences of those affected by the regime’s actions.

Overview of Isayas Afeworki’s Regime and its Policies

President Isayas Afeworki, in power since Eritrea’s independence in 1993, has led the country with an iron fist. His government is known for its strict control over the nation’s political, economic, and social life. Key policies include indefinite national service, which compels Eritreans, often for years, into military or government service, and a stringent control over the media and freedom of speech. These policies have been criticized internationally for violating human rights and suppressing dissent.

The Split in the Eritrean Community in the UK: Supporters vs. Opponents

These policies have had a profound impact on the Eritrean community in the UK, leading to a polarized diaspora. On one side are those who support Afeworki’s regime, viewing it as a necessary measure to maintain national stability and sovereignty. This group often includes older Eritreans and those with ties to the ruling party. On the other side are the opponents, who view the regime as oppressive and responsible for widespread human rights abuses and economic stagnation. This divide is not just political but has also seeped into social interactions, often leading to tension and conflicts within the community.

Personal Stories and Testimonies from Eritreans Affected by the Regime

To truly understand the impact of the Afeworki regime, one must listen to the stories of those directly affected. These narratives include tales of escape from forced conscription, separation from family, and the struggle to adapt to life in the UK while coping with the trauma of past experiences. Some speak of the pain of leaving loved ones behind; others recount the difficulty in reconciling their support for the regime with the realities of its policies. These personal accounts provide a human face to the political discourse, highlighting the enduring ties that bind the diaspora to their homeland, regardless of the physical distance.

In this section, the stark reality of life under the Isayas Afeworki regime is brought to the forefront, juxtaposed against the backdrop of a divided diaspora in the UK. Personal stories add depth and perspective to the discussion, making it not just a political analysis but also a human story.

The Rise of Violence Among the Eritrean Community in the UK

This section addresses a concerning trend: the escalation of violence within the Eritrean community in the United Kingdom, linked to differing political views regarding the Isayas Afeworki regime. We explore specific incidents of violence, analyze the factors contributing to these outbreaks, and discuss the responses from UK authorities and leaders within the Eritrean community.

Incidents of Violence Related to Political Opinions Among Eritreans

The Eritrean community in the UK has witnessed several incidents where political disagreements have escalated into physical confrontations. These incidents range from verbal altercations at community events to more serious episodes where protests against the Afeworki regime have turned violent. Notable instances include clashes at Eritrean festivals or demonstrations, where the presence of regime supporters and opponents in the same space has led to unrest.

Analysis of the Factors Leading to These Violent Acts

Several factors contribute to this violence. Firstly, the deep political divide within the community, rooted in differing perspectives on the Afeworki regime, creates an environment ripe for conflict. Secondly, the trauma and experiences of the immigrants, many of whom have fled oppressive conditions, can lead to heightened emotions and reactions. Thirdly, the diaspora’s attempts to influence political change in their homeland from abroad often leads to clashes between those who seek reform and those who defend the status quo. Lastly, generational differences within the community also play a role, with younger Eritreans often being more vocal and confrontational in their opposition to the regime.

Responses from the UK Authorities and Eritrean Community Leaders

The response of the UK authorities to this violence has been multifaceted. Police intervention in violent incidents, community policing initiatives, and efforts to mediate between conflicting groups have been observed. Additionally, the UK government has sought to understand the underlying issues contributing to these tensions.

Leaders within the Eritrean community have also taken steps to address the violence. Efforts include community dialogues, peace-building initiatives, and attempts to educate members about the importance of peaceful expression and respect for differing opinions. Some community leaders have also liaised with UK authorities to develop strategies to prevent future incidents.

In this section, the challenging dynamics of the Eritrean diaspora in the UK are explored through the lens of rising violence linked to political beliefs. By analyzing the underlying causes and the responses from various stakeholders, this narrative seeks to provide a comprehensive understanding of the complexities involved in managing diaspora conflicts.

Provocations by Supporters of the Regime: Tensions in London and Beyond

Following the exploration of the rise of violence within the Eritrean community in the UK, it is crucial to delve into a specific and significant aspect of this conflict: the role of Eritreans who support the oppressive regime in inciting violence in London and other Western cities. This section examines the actions of these supporters, their impact on community dynamics, and the broader consequences of their activities.

AI’s imagination of a divided Eritrean community in a Western city, depicting a violent confrontation between London Metropolitan Police and a critical group expressing dissent in an urban setting like London

Actions of Regime Supporters in the UK and Western Nations

The supporters of the Isayas Afeworki regime in the UK and other Western nations often engage in activities that are perceived as provocative by those opposed to the regime. These activities can include organizing pro-regime demonstrations, publicly celebrating the regime’s milestones, and aggressively confronting regime critics. Such actions are often seen by opponents as an endorsement of the oppressive policies and human rights abuses attributed to the regime in Eritrea, leading to heightened tensions and clashes.

Impact on Community Dynamics and Public Order

The provocations by regime supporters have a ripple effect on the dynamics within the Eritrean community. They exacerbate existing divisions, deepen mistrust, and often result in violent confrontations, not only within the community but also involving the wider public. These incidents can disrupt public order in cities like London, where large Eritrean communities reside, drawing the attention and intervention of local authorities.

Broader Consequences and Challenges

The actions of regime supporters in Western nations pose several challenges. Firstly, they raise questions about the limits of political expression and assembly in democratic societies, especially when such expressions are linked to foreign regimes accused of oppression. Secondly, they complicate the efforts of Eritrean community leaders and Western governments to foster integration and peace within the diaspora. Lastly, these provocations can lead to a negative perception of the Eritrean community as a whole, impacting their broader integration and acceptance in Western societies.

This section provides an in-depth look at how the activities of Eritrean regime supporters in the UK and other Western countries contribute to intra-community tensions and public disturbances. It underscores the complex nature of diaspora politics and the challenges faced in balancing freedom of expression with the need for community harmony and public safety.

The Role of the UK Police and Government

In this section, we examine the role of UK law enforcement and government bodies in managing the unique challenges posed by the Eritrean diaspora’s conflicts. It covers the policing strategies adopted to address community violence, the government’s policy towards political asylum seekers and immigrants, particularly from Eritrea, and the legal and ethical considerations that come into play when handling such diaspora conflicts.

Policing Strategies for Dealing with Community Conflicts and Violence

The UK police have developed specific strategies to address conflicts within immigrant communities, including the Eritrean diaspora. These strategies often involve a combination of community policing, where officers build relationships with community members to foster trust, and more direct interventions in cases of violence. Special units or officers trained in cultural sensitivity and conflict de-escalation are sometimes deployed. The police also collaborate with community leaders to identify and address the root causes of conflicts, aiming to prevent their escalation into violence.

The UK Government’s Stance on Political Asylum Seekers and Immigrants

The UK government’s policies toward asylum seekers and immigrants are crucial in shaping the experiences of the Eritrean community. The government has a duty to provide protection to those fleeing persecution and human rights abuses, as seen in the case of many Eritrean immigrants. However, this responsibility must be balanced with national security and immigration control concerns. The government’s approach includes a rigorous asylum application process, support for successful applicants, and efforts to integrate them into British society while maintaining their cultural identities.

Legal and Ethical Considerations in Handling Diaspora Conflicts

Handling conflicts within diaspora communities like the Eritreans in the UK involves navigating complex legal and ethical landscapes. Legally, the UK is bound by international and domestic laws regarding human rights, asylum, and community safety. Ethically, there is a need to respect the cultural and political sensitivities of immigrant communities while ensuring their actions comply with UK laws. This balance requires a nuanced approach, acknowledging the traumatic backgrounds of many immigrants and the potential for political activities to spill over into community unrest.

In this section, the multifaceted role of the UK police and government in addressing the challenges posed by the Eritrean community’s internal conflicts is outlined. It highlights the delicate interplay between maintaining public order, respecting human rights, and addressing the specific needs and backgrounds of asylum seekers and immigrants from conflict-ridden regions.

AI’s imagination of two groups of Eritrean demonstrators on a Western city street. One group, supporting the Eritrean regime, holds Eritrean and UK flags, while the opposing group holds a blue flag in dissent, with UK Metropolitan Police officers standing as a barrier in an urban environment

Looking Forward: Solutions and Recommendations

As we approach the conclusion of our exploration into the experiences of the Eritrean diaspora in the UK, it becomes imperative to look forward with a constructive lens. This section focuses on potential strategies for resolving conflicts within the Eritrean community, examines the role of UK policies in supporting such immigrant communities, and contemplates the prospects for achieving reconciliation and peace.

Strategies for Conflict Resolution within the Eritrean Community

Effective conflict resolution in the Eritrean community requires a multi-faceted approach. Key strategies include:

Dialogue and Communication: Encouraging open, respectful dialogue between differing factions is crucial. This could be facilitated through community meetings, moderated discussions, and workshops aimed at fostering mutual understanding.

Cultural and Educational Programs: Implementing programs that educate both sides about each other’s perspectives, as well as promoting the rich cultural heritage of Eritrea, can help bridge divides and build a shared community identity.

Youth Engagement: Actively involving the younger generation in leadership roles and decision-making processes can provide fresh perspectives and foster a forward-looking approach to community issues.

Mental Health Support: Providing access to counseling and mental health services can help address the trauma and stress that may underlie some of the conflicts.

The Role of UK Policies in Supporting Immigrant Communities

The UK government plays a crucial role in shaping the environment in which immigrant communities like the Eritreans navigate their conflicts. Constructive policies could include:

Cultural Sensitivity in Policymaking: Developing policies that are mindful of the unique challenges faced by immigrant communities.

Support for Community Initiatives: Providing funding and support for community-led initiatives aimed at conflict resolution and integration.

Inclusive Political Engagement: Offering platforms for immigrant communities to voice their concerns and participate in local and national policymaking.

Prospects for Reconciliation and Peace among Eritreans in the UK

The path to reconciliation and peace within the Eritrean community in the UK is challenging but not insurmountable. It requires sustained efforts from community leaders, members, and support from external entities like the UK government and non-governmental organizations. The potential for reconciliation lies in the community’s ability to celebrate its diversity, acknowledge shared experiences, and work collaboratively towards common goals. The journey towards peace may be gradual, but with commitment and understanding, a harmonious coexistence is a realistic and attainable goal.

In this section, we propose actionable strategies and underscore the importance of a supportive policy environment to address the conflicts within the Eritrean community in the UK. The emphasis is on collaboration, understanding, and a shared commitment to peace and unity.

Looking Forward: Solutions and Recommendations

As we look towards the future, it is essential to consider practical solutions and recommendations that can help alleviate conflicts within the Eritrean community in the UK and foster a harmonious coexistence. This section outlines strategies for internal conflict resolution, examines the role of UK policies in aiding immigrant communities, and assesses the prospects for reconciliation and peace among Eritreans in the UK.

Strategies for Conflict Resolution within the Eritrean Community

Resolving conflicts within the Eritrean community in the UK requires a blend of cultural sensitivity, community engagement, and effective communication. Key strategies include:

Community Mediation Initiatives: Establishing neutral platforms for dialogue and mediation, where members from different factions can come together to discuss their issues and find common ground.

Youth Involvement and Leadership: Engaging the younger generation of Eritreans in the UK in leadership roles within the community to foster a new perspective that bridges the gap between different viewpoints.

Cultural Awareness and Education Programs: Creating programs that educate the community about the importance of diversity and the value of multiple perspectives within the Eritrean diaspora.

Trauma-Informed Support Services: Offering support services that address the psychological impact of migration and the trauma of past experiences, which can be a significant factor in conflicts.

The Role of UK Policies in Supporting Immigrant Communities

The UK government has a significant role to play in supporting the Eritrean and other immigrant communities:

Inclusive and Fair Immigration Policies: Ensuring that immigration policies are fair and inclusive, allowing for the safe and legal migration of individuals fleeing conflict and persecution.

Support for Integration and Community Building: Providing resources and support for initiatives that aid in the integration of immigrants into British society, while also allowing them to retain and celebrate their cultural identities.

Engagement and Representation in Policymaking: Involving immigrant communities in the policymaking process, particularly in decisions that affect them directly.

Prospects for Reconciliation and Peace among Eritreans in the UK

The road to reconciliation within the Eritrean community in the UK is complex but hopeful. It relies on continued efforts to promote understanding and tolerance, both within the community and in the broader context of UK society. The future could see a strengthened Eritrean community, united by shared experiences and a collective desire for peace and stability, both in their homeland and in their adopted country.

This revised section presents a comprehensive approach to addressing the challenges faced by the Eritrean community in the UK, emphasizing the importance of understanding, empathy, and proactive engagement by all stakeholders involved.


As we conclude this exploration into the dynamics of the Eritrean diaspora in the UK, it is important to reflect on the key insights gained and consider the broader implications for other immigrant communities, as well as to contemplate the future of the Eritreans in the UK.

Summary of the Main Points

The Eritrean diaspora in the UK, shaped by the political situation under President Isayas Afeworki, has experienced significant internal conflict, reflecting the divide between supporters and opponents of the regime.

The rise of violence within this community is attributed to deep political divisions, trauma from past experiences, and the challenges of maintaining cultural identity while integrating into British society.

Responses from the UK authorities and community leaders have focused on conflict resolution, community engagement, and integration support.

Solutions for fostering peace and unity within the Eritrean community include dialogue, youth engagement, cultural education, and mental health support, all within the framework of inclusive and sensitive UK government policies.

Broader Implications for Other Immigrant Communities

The situation of the Eritrean community in the UK offers valuable lessons for other immigrant communities experiencing similar internal conflicts. It highlights the importance of understanding the unique historical and cultural contexts that shape these communities and the need for tailored approaches to conflict resolution and integration. The role of host countries in creating inclusive policies and support systems is also underscored, emphasizing the significance of a collaborative approach to fostering harmonious multicultural societies.

Final Thoughts on the Future of the Eritrean Diaspora in the UK

Looking forward, the future of the Eritrean diaspora in the UK holds both challenges and opportunities. The potential for reconciliation and peace is tangible, provided there is a sustained commitment to dialogue, mutual respect, and an understanding of the complex interplay between cultural identity and integration. The role of the younger generation, as a bridge between the past and the future, is particularly crucial in shaping a harmonious community. As the Eritrean diaspora continues to evolve, their journey will undoubtedly contribute to the rich tapestry of multicultural Britain.

This conclusion synthesizes the critical elements of the discussion and extends the narrative beyond the Eritrean community, offering a perspective on how these experiences can inform broader societal approaches to managing and embracing diversity.




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