Difference Between @Controller and @RestController Annotation in Spring

Gozde Saygili Yalcin
2 min readSep 26, 2022


This article is a summary of using @Controller and @RestController annotations in the Spring framework and their differences.

Let’s get started with the definition of the @Controller and @RestController annotations.

There is a screenshot below which shows the package hierarchy and the use of @Controller annotation in the controller class.

@Controller: This annotation indicates that a particular class serves the role of a controller

@RequestMapping: To map to the Spring MVC controller method, use this.

@ResponseBody: This is used to bind the domain object in the return type with the HTTP response body.

Use of Controller Annotation

The @RestController annotation is used to create restful web services. @RestController is a convenience annotation that does add the @Controller and @ResponseBody annotations.

You can see the comparison table below;

Comparison Table

As a result, the main differences are mentioned in the post. You can use the following references for further reading.





