Double Chin Treatment: What You Need To Know

4 min readDec 1, 2021


Losing weight is the best way to get rid of chins, but many people can’t afford bariatric surgery or don’t want to go under the knife.

If you’ve ever looked in the mirror and noticed that your double chin was causing your jawline to look “soft” or blurry, you know how frustrating it can be. Fortunately, there are treatments available that can help! In this article, we’re going to break down the best types of treatments for a double chin — from gua sha methods to surgery.

You may have heard about this ancient Chinese medical treatment that works wonders on the chin area. If you would like to learn more about gua sha, then read on!

What is gua sha?

Gua sha is an ancient, traditional Chinese therapy that uses skin scraping and massage to treat ailments such as chronic pain, stroke, and inflammation. It originated in the Jin dynasty (265–420 AD) but its exact origins are unknown. A practitioner removes a layer of broken skin on the patient’s body using small strokes with a smooth instrument such as a spoon, coin or knife. The scraped skin can then be used to make a medicinal paste which can be applied externally to heal wounds.

Benefits of gua sha

Gua sha is an ancient Chinese technique that has been used for centuries to heal the body mind and spirit. It combines massage techniques, acupressure, and scraping to reach deeper layers of the skin where blood flow is needed. Gua sha deeply penetrates through the skin, muscles, tendons, ligaments to relieve congestion in these areas.

Gua sha is a traditional Chinese therapy that has been used for centuries to relieve pain and stiffness. It typically involves a therapist applying a variety of firm, yet gentle, strokes to the body’s surface with their hands or the back of a large spoon. The technique helps alleviate muscle tension and reduce water retention by regulating qi flow.

Side effects of gua sha

There are a few side effects associated with gua sha. One is skin irritation where the skin was scraped. This can be treated by topical creams or by applying ice to the affected area. Additionally, there may be bruising from the scraping at first, but this should go away within a few days.

Gua sha is an ancient Chinese treatment method used to help the body release tension and toxins. It’s typically used on the back, chest, head, arms, and legs. It’s not unusual for people to experience bruising or redness after an episode of gua sha treatment near me.

How to perform gua sha on face

The gua sha method is derived from China. It is traditionally performed on the back, but also works well on the face. It can be performed in three ways: with a smooth, curved surface; with the edge of a piece of wood or ceramic; or an ordinary kitchen knife. The goal is to cut off stagnation and stimulate blood circulation by scraping the skin using a deep, circular action. There are a few ways that you can perform gua sha on your face.

The most popular method is to use a spoon, a rolling pin, or a small stone. These objects should be in motion for 10–20 minutes. Gua sha, also known as Chinese face scraping, is a type of acupressure massage that is often used for health purposes. To perform gua sha, you just need to take a coin or spoon and scrape it slowly back and forth against the skin over the bone at the base of the chin until it becomes red. The scraping action creates friction which stirs up blood flow to help break down fatty deposits under your chin.

Gua sha is a technique from traditional Chinese medicine that has been shown to be effective at reducing excess fluid, promoting blood circulation, and removing toxins. In order to do gua sha on your face, you’ll need a firm implement — such as a wooden spoon or the back of a teaspoon — and a bowl of warm water. Simply wet your face with the warm water and then gently rub the implement in circular motions over your chin until it becomes red and tender. You should avoid any kind of sharp or pointed objects when doing this procedure.

How to use gua sha for jawline

Gua sha is a Chinese-medicine technique that cuts into or scrapes off the skin for therapeutic purposes. This method is used to treat double chins because it helps tense and balance muscles in the jawline while also improving blood circulation. Of course, if you’re in a lot of pain and want to get rid of double chin without surgery quickly, gua sha might be the best option for you. However, it is an intense treatment that can take a long time to recover from. For those who are interested in something less intense, laser treatments can also be effective. In most cases, scarring will not happen with laser treatments.

If you have a double chin and are looking for an alternative to gua sha, there are many other treatments that can help. Massaging the lymph nodes on either side of your neck is one option. This will get the body to release excess fluid that may have built up under the chin. Another way is to get a massage on your chest muscles. The masseuse will be able to work out any knots in your chest muscles which may be restricting your breathing and causing you to retain fluid in the chest region.


In conclusion, the best way to reduce the appearance of your double chin is fat transfer surgery. The procedure can be done in an outpatient setting and doesn’t require anesthesia. It’s also relatively painless and recovery time is minimal. The results are permanent and life-changing because you will never have to worry about your double chin again.

