Karsten Tyson
3 min readJan 1, 2021

My Lord, What a Morning!

“My Lord, What a morning!” At times, I fancy myself to be a Harry Belafonte, Jr. About two weeks ago, I sent my dear friend Felicia an audio text of me belting out this spiritual, which is typically sung around Christmas. I know she rolled her eyes and mentally cussed me out upon hearing my sultry tenor 2 voice in her ear “My Lord, What a morning! My Lord, What a morning! My Lord, What a morning! When the stars began to fall…When the stars began to fall.”

Speaking of falling stars. I really thought they were falling last night and into the unchristian hours (creeping time) of the morning, as my neighbors shot firecrackers all through the night to welcome 2021 in. I mean…Welcome to East Savannah. We made it! January 1st 2021; My Lord, What a Morning! I think January 1, 2021 is the most anticipated morning in our generation. New Year’s Day 2021, may have even given Christmas morning anticipation a run for its money. This just ain’t no regular new year coming in. This is the new year coming in on the heels of 2020. My Lord, What a Morning!

I recently told my friend Hershey, who doubles as sister from another mister and spiritual director; “I miss in-person worship.” There I said it — I’m a faithful and confirmed member of The Greater St. Mattress Holy Church. I even usher and lead praise and worship down by the Sealy springs. But, there is something to be said and a nostalgia about when the faithful community cannot commune, live in community and observe the sacraments as in times past.

I’m thankful for Zoom church and streamed services through Facebook live and YouTube. I recently streamed into a service and the communion song was “Let us break bread together.” The part of that song that gets my eyes leaky EVERY TIME is “When I fall on my knees with my face to the rising sun, Oh Lord, have mercy on me.” Lawd, where my tissues at?

Stop. Breathe. Pat yourself on the back. You made it through a year that frankly tried to kick all our asses. The Good Book never said that the weapons against us wouldn’t form. It did say that they wouldn’t prosper. You just missed your shout. Read that again. We had some hits and misses in 2020, but — My Lord, What a morning.

When I woke up and realized that I made it to the dawn of 2021, cause I was trying to enter that deep REM sleep at midnight. I looked at the rising sun, humming “My Lord, What a Morning!” and said “Thank you, Jesus. Lord, have mercy on me.” I don’t know what is on the other side of 2021, but I know that just like we did in 2020, we will live from moment to moment, day by day, because we walk by faith, clinging onto hope that better and greater is not only coming, but that better and greater is here, NOW! Faithful is He who calls you and continues to call you to every good work for such a time as this. Happy 2021! I wish you every blessing and grace upon grace in the days to come. “My Lord, What a Morning!”


Karsten Tyson

Educator, College Admissions Official and Ambassador for fair and equal access to higher education. North Carolina raised, Louisiana made, Georgia fortified.