Unlock Wealth: Mastering Money with ‘You Are a Badass at Making Money’

Bookish Bliss
7 min readFeb 23, 2024



“You Are a Badass at Making Money: Master the Mindset of Wealth” is a life-changing book by Jen Sincero that aims to uplift the financial spirits of its readers. Jen Sincero, a renowned speaker, coach, and author, has crafted this masterpiece following the success of her earlier work, “You Are a Badass.” Through this book, Sincero embarks on a mission to debunk the financial insecurities and limiting beliefs that hold many back from achieving their monetary goals. With a blend of personal anecdotes, humor, and practical advice, the book stands as a beacon of hope for anyone looking to transform their relationship with money and venture into a more prosperous life. Sincero’s approach is not just about making money but about understanding and reshaping one’s mindset towards wealth and success.

Section 1: Author’s Background and Writing Style

Jen Sincero’s journey to financial enlightenment is nothing short of inspiring. Before becoming a best-selling author and sought-after speaker, Sincero struggled with her own finances, living paycheck to paycheck and grappling with the fear and uncertainty that comes with financial instability. Her transformation began with a deep dive into the world of self-help and personal development, leading her to unearth the philosophies and practices that would turn her life around. Sincero’s writing style in “You Are a Badass at Making Money” is engaging, straightforward, and laced with humor. She has a unique way of connecting with her readers, making the concepts of wealth and money management both relatable and attainable. Her voice is powerful and persuasive, encouraging readers to shed their doubts and take control of their financial destinies.

Section 2: Core Philosophies

At the heart of “You Are a Badass at Making Money” lie several core philosophies that serve as the foundation for financial success according to Sincero. Central to these is the belief in the power of mindset. Sincero posits that our beliefs about money, deeply ingrained through our upbringing and societal influences, play a crucial role in determining our financial reality. She encourages readers to challenge and change these beliefs, advocating for a mindset that embraces abundance, deservingness, and the possibility of wealth for anyone willing to pursue it. Through engaging exercises and reflective questions, she guides readers in identifying and rewriting their narratives around money, highlighting that a shift in mindset is the first step towards accumulating wealth.

Section 3: Practical Strategies for Wealth

Jen Sincero’s “You Are a Badass at Making Money” is more than just a motivational read; it’s a manual packed with practical strategies aimed at driving financial growth. Sincero transitions seamlessly from inspiring readers to take charge of their financial destinies to providing them with the actual tools to do so. Here are key strategies outlined in the book:

  1. Understanding Your Money Story: Sincero emphasizes the importance of digging deep into your personal history with money. She guides readers through exercises designed to uncover and confront the subconscious beliefs that sabotage financial success.
  2. Setting Intentions with Clarity: The book stresses the importance of setting clear, specific financial goals. Sincero believes that vague desires produce vague outcomes, urging readers to define their wealth objectives with precision.
  3. Making Peace with Money: A significant portion of the book is dedicated to changing the reader’s emotional relationship with money. Sincero offers exercises to help readers feel worthy of wealth, transforming fear and ambivalence into a positive force.
  4. Taking Inspired Action: Sincero doesn’t just preach about the mental aspect of wealth-building; she encourages readers to take concrete steps towards their financial goals, whether it’s seeking new income sources or investing in personal development.
  5. The Power of Gratitude and Giving Back: A recurring theme is the idea that gratitude and generosity can accelerate financial success. By appreciating what you have and giving back, Sincero suggests that you can attract more abundance into your life.

Section 4: Personal Transformation Stories

One of the most compelling aspects of “You Are a Badass at Making Money” are the numerous personal transformation stories Sincero shares. These narratives serve as powerful testimonials to the book’s effectiveness, providing real-life examples of individuals who have dramatically improved their financial situations by applying Sincero’s teachings. From readers who’ve gone from drowning in debt to achieving financial independence, to those who’ve overcome deep-seated fears around money to build prosperous businesses, these stories not only inspire but also validate the practical advice Sincero offers. They highlight a universal truth: that financial transformation is possible for anyone willing to challenge their limiting beliefs and take bold action towards their goals.

Section 5: Critical Analysis

While “You Are a Badass at Making Money” has been a beacon of hope for many, it’s not without its criticisms. A strength of the book is undoubtedly its relatable writing style and the actionable strategies it provides. Sincero’s candid sharing of her financial journey adds authenticity and encourages readers to believe in their own potential for wealth. However, critics argue that the book sometimes oversimplifies complex financial challenges and may not fully address the systemic barriers that affect one’s ability to achieve wealth.

Compared to other financial self-help books, Sincero’s work is notable for its focus on mindset and personal empowerment. While some books delve deeper into the technicalities of financial planning and investment strategies, “You Are a Badass at Making Money” prioritizes the psychological aspects of wealth accumulation. This approach is both its greatest strength and, to some, a limitation.

Section 6: Who Should Read It?

“You Are a Badass at Making Money” by Jen Sincero is a must-read for a wide array of audiences, but it especially resonates with individuals who are:

  1. Feeling Stuck Financially: For those who feel trapped in a cycle of financial scarcity, this book offers a fresh perspective and actionable steps to break free from limiting beliefs and habits.
  2. Aspiring Entrepreneurs and Creatives: Individuals looking to monetize their passions and talents will find Sincero’s advice on overcoming fear and taking bold actions particularly motivating.
  3. Seekers of Personal Development: Readers who are on a journey of self-improvement and are interested in how mindset affects financial success will appreciate the book’s focus on personal growth.
  4. Fans of Practical Self-Help: Unlike some self-help books that remain abstract, Sincero provides concrete strategies and exercises, making this a practical guide for real-world financial empowerment.
  5. Skeptics of Traditional Financial Advice: For those disillusioned with conventional financial wisdom, Sincero’s unconventional approach and emphasis on the mental and emotional aspects of wealth-building offer a refreshing alternative.


In concluding this review of “You Are a Badass at Making Money,” it’s clear that Jen Sincero has crafted a powerful tool for anyone looking to transform their financial situation. The book’s combination of personal anecdotes, humor, practical advice, and motivational exercises makes it not only an enjoyable read but also a transformative experience. Sincero challenges readers to rethink their relationship with money and empowers them to take control of their financial future. Whether you’re struggling with financial insecurity, looking to elevate your income, or simply interested in personal development, this book offers valuable insights and strategies to help you achieve your financial goals. Ultimately, Sincero’s message is one of hope and empowerment: with the right mindset and actions, financial abundance is within everyone’s reach.

This comprehensive review has explored the book’s core philosophies, practical strategies, transformation stories, and its target audience, providing a thorough understanding of its impact and appeal. By addressing the book’s strengths and areas of criticism, the review offers a balanced perspective, encouraging readers to explore “You Are a Badass at Making Money” for themselves and discover its potential to change their financial narrative.

If you’re intrigued, you can grab your copy here or join our membership for free access with a 0$ trial package. Dive into the world of knowledge without any upfront commitment. Start your reading journey now!



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