How to Use Alexa For Seniors: The Definitive Guide

The best ways seniors enjoy Alexa including skills, commands, and more.

4 min readMay 29, 2018

VoCo personalizes Alexa for seniors. We partner with Senior Living Facilities to create a world-class senior living experience. With a quick installation process and custom Alexa applications, VoCo is your partner for Alexa for Seniors.

Understanding How Alexa Works (for Seniors)

Talk to Alexa Like A Friend

Understanding new technology can be a challenge. Luckily, VoCo makes Alexa easy to understand. All you need to know is that talking to Alexa is like talking to a friend. If you want your friend to play a song you would say “John, play some Frank Sinatra”. If you want Alexa to play a song you would simply say “Alexa, play some Frank Sinantra”. It’s really that easy.

“Alexa is really easy to use and it has a really beautiful speaker.”
-VoCo Customer

Seniors love using Alexa

The 5 Best Alexa Skills for Seniors

Skills are apps for Alexa. There are thousands of skills already developed for Alexa. VoCo equips your seniors with the most valuable skills. VoCo eliminates the setup time for seniors. This way they don’t have to work to get value from Alexa, it’s there from day one with pre-configured skills and preferences.

1. My Buddy

Staying safe is important for everyone. This skill makes it easier to keep seniors connected. With My Buddy, Alexa can call, text, or email a family member or caregiver if the resident is in trouble. This is just more way to enhance resident safety and comfort.

2. Park Creek Menu

Seniors are always asking, “What’s for lunch?”. With VoCo, now they can just ask Alexa! If your senior living facility partners with VoCo, seniors can access your facilities’ menu on a daily basis. Many seniors find this much more convenient than a sheet of paper.

3. Jeopardy

Just like the classic TV Show. Play Jeopardy with new challenges daily. This is a fun way to keep the mind agile.

4. Price it Right

This fun game is just like the popular TV game show with an added twist. You are told an item on and have to guess the closest price. The twist is you are paired with someone else who is playing in real time! Whoever gets closer to the object’s real price gets more points. This game is a fun way for seniors to stay engaged.

5. My Life Story

This last skill is a great way for seniors to relieve some of their happiest moments. This application is ideal for those with Alzheimer’s or Dementia. Family or caregivers type in the senior’s favorite memories. Later, you can ask Alexa to read out their life story. Set to calming music, Alexa gently walks seniors through some of their most fond memories throughout their lives.

Alexa for Senior Living Communities

What makes Alexa special is how valuable it can be for seniors. Alexa is a great way for seniors to stay active, engaged, and healthy in their community. How? From today’s menu to the week’s activities, VoCo builds personalized applications in partnership with your community. With these applications, anyone with an Alexa can stay up to date. Keep friends and family of residents up to date on what is going on at your facility. Independent and Assisted Living facilities can benefit most from installing Alexa.

Most Popular Uses of Alexa for Seniors

Many seniors use Alexa similarly. From phone calls to getting today’s weather. Alexa makes a great personal assistant for seniors to maintain their independence. VoCo pre-configures the Alexa with a resident’s news and sports preferences in advance. Additionally, VoCo devices come with engaging games for residents to play.

-Listening to Your Favorite Music

-Calling Friends and Family

-Getting Today’s Weather

-What’s Going on in the World?

-Remind Me to Take My Medicine

What are Seniors Saying About Alexa?

Seniors love Alexa. While many start off skeptical, what is most exciting is watching their expression change in 5 minutes from skepticism to excitement. With paper handouts of the most phrases for seniors, it’s easy to learn this new technology.

Proud VoCo Senior

“This is really wonderful”

“Alexa is much simpler than using a computer”

“This is so nice to have, this is great”

“I love my Alexa”

Ready to Get Started?

You can get started today and learn more on how to integrate Alexa into your facility. This technology is entering senior living facilities across the country from California to Texas to New Jersey. Bring a modern experience to senior living that keeps residents engaged, healthy, and independent with VoCo.

VoCo is an industry leading smart home technology company specializing in custom solutions for senior living. VoCo makes it easy for seniors to get the most out of Alexa bringing them comfort, convenience, and control. VoCo partners with innovative senior living companies to deliver an unprecedented senior living experience. With custom developed Alexa applications, VoCo brings a personal touch to each resident’s experience.

Want to learn more on how it works? Visit our website for more information at

