2018 taught me the most valuable lesson.

Swati Bansode
2 min readDec 19, 2018



My first ever tattoo I got this year!

Never give up on a dream just because of the time it will take to accomplish it. The time will pass anyway.’ — Earl Nightingale.

This year for me was all about learning one thing that I needed to learn. The most important thing.


People who have big dreams, dreams which they carry in their eyes every single day, know the importance of patience. Because they know that there is no other way around it or a shortcut they can take to reach their goals. Heck, you can’t skip even a single step!

You can’t NOT send that e-mail. You can’t NOT stay awake that one night to finish that chapter. You can’t NOT wait for that one phone call which is going to change your life. You can’t NOT find answers to your questions.

And trust me, no matter how badly I needed to get past these things, everything happened only at the right time.

And now that I look back, it all makes sense to me. Every single dot connects. I now know why certain things happened and why few things didn’t work out. I now know how far I’ve come and how far I still have to go. But that’s a dreamer’s life.

There’s no real end; because there is no limit to dreaming.

Also this year, I wasn’t hurting, I wasn’t in pain. Neither was I happy. And that’s the reason why I was only left with hundreds of mind-numbing days and that constantly flickering hope that I needed to keep moving forward. But nevertheless, I never stopped believing that something magical is truly waiting for me.

I don’t know what the next year has in store for me. Neither do I wanna know it because, for a change, I only want to live it.

I can only hope that it’s all about love, dreams and adventures.

And in the end, I’ve only got one thing to say. Please don’t let go of your dreams even if you don’t see any results yet. Time will pass anyway. And who knows, your dreams might come true just next year?

