My personal Godin’s List : startup ideas I never realised

Sébastien Fourault
5 min readSep 4, 2016


In an earlier article, I talked about the benefits of sharing startup ideas like Seth Godin’s did with its 999 Business Ideas list, or like it’s done on the website IdeasWatch.
So here is my “Godin’s list”, don’t hesitate to give me feedbacks to improve all those ideas :)


A solution which video records a meeting, and when something interesting has been said, the organiser can press a button to save the last sentences. At the end, it creates a video report of the meeting made of all the sequences you saved.

For this idea, I imagined using the webcam of a laptop to film the meeting, and to use a powerpoint zapper to select what to keep : depending on the button, it keeps the 1,2 or 3 last sentences / or the last minute.
And at the end, you can edit the final video, add a little video of you explaining the purpose of the meeting and the outcomes. And then you have your 3mn report of the 1h meeting, ready to send to your colleagues ! :)


A photo app where the goal is to make the ugliest face and make users rank the funniest grimace.

It’s funny to see people making fun of them by doing strange faces, and people tend to send each others a lot of grimace over Snapchat. They wouldn’t do it on facebook or instagram right ? Just because, the purpose of Facebook and Instagram is to post beautiful photo of you. So what about a social network which encourages you to present an fun version of you ? :p


A website where you enter a subject, and it automatically generates a Powerpoint presentation with content extracted from the web.

We all had useless presentations to make when we were at school, like doing for the 10th time a presentation about Pablo Picasso for you spanish class. SlideBro takes content from Wikipedia and the web and generates a 10 slides simple presentation about your subject, and then you can modify it to make it your own. But you skip the uninteresting step of typing into Google and CopyPasting into Powerpoint what you found on Wikipedia :)

Fun fact : I made a video and a website to explain this project :


An app to see in augmented reality what songs people are listening around you, and listen to it at the same time.

This idea came up discussing with friends of mine : we were thinking that the way we use to discover music could be radically improved. And when taking public transports, we frequently wondered “What song is listening this man/woman shaking his head with passion?”. What if I could see the title of the song displayed next to him/her and listen to this song at the same time? This guy could become sort of a temporary DJ during the travel. Technically it’s not that difficult : he just has to broadcast via bluetooth the name of the song and the timing. And we could even imagine if many people listen to the same “DJ” in a bus, sort of a silent disco phenomenon :)

Same Same

An app to meet people through gaming : you play to a “Would you rather” game with a random person from your city. You can interact via chat at the begining, then it switches to audio and at the end of the game, video activates.

The way we weet people online could be reinvented. Tinder, Happn and other dating app are only relied on your physical appearance, not who you are. And other dating website like Meetic scares people : If I subscribe to something like this, I’ll be seen as a sentimental looser. So Same Same could help people meet another way : play for fun with someone random and get to know the other person by discussing proposition they should pick (both must agree on the final answer). For those who dont see what it looks like, it’s questions like “Would you rather only be able to whisper all your life, or only be able to shout all your life”. Then the voice enables, you can speak to interact and you can start imagining what kind of person you play with, and then the video activates and you see the physical appearance of your co-player. And if the two players like each others, they can continue the discussion when the game is over ;)


A music recognition app which could run in background during all the night, so that you have a complete playlist of what songs have been played during the party.


Tired of seeing sexual content while browsing on the web ? BoobsHider is a chrome plugin that analyses pictures and replaces photo with sexy girls by cute kittens :p

I don’t know if, like me, you have ever been exasperated by seeing that every pictures on the internet now includes a pair of boobs or a semi-naked girl to catch your attention. Actually it works, the human brains is programmed to notice it more than any other random picture. If the article speaks of the last fashion show, it’s ok. But now, they show sexy girls photos even if it’s the thumbnail of an article about politics or technology. F**k that ! A plugin to replace all that and browse peacefully would be amazing, wouldn’t it ? :)


An app which let you write a message. It is then delivered to a random person at a random moment. If he likes it, he can add something to the message and send it back to the sea !


An mobile app which runs in background and when you take a selfie, it analizes the humor of the photo (happy, normal, excited…). And then show you a map of the humor around you. Useful to check if a party is great before going to :p

The Glass

A pub where the price of a drink would include the glass, useful and fun : you party in the bar and get original glasses back to your home. Ideal for people who just moved in !! :

I’ll update when I have new ideas ;)
I’d be glad to hear your feedbacks in the comments !



Sébastien Fourault

Mobile & Assistant Specialist @Google #Voice #Chatbots — Developer, Designer, Startuper with passion 👏