Sean Baxter
3 min readNov 4, 2017


What is it?

SuperHot VR is a puzzle and shooting game available for the Oculus Rift and the HTC Vive. The game starts with a progression of 20 plus scenarios that must be completed by the user. Scenarios start with the user being attacked by 1 or more Holograms. Users can move around the virtual environment by moving in their physical environment but cannot teleport. Users can use pistols, shotguns, sub machine guns, throwing stars, their fists, and more in order to clear all enemies and finish the current level.

Some scenarios have 2 or more levels that must be completed in sequence in order to proceed. If the user is damaged by an enemy during the second or third level of a scenario, their next attempt will take place back on the first level of the current scenario. After all scenarios are cleared, users can complete scenarios again in any order, choose difficulty restrictions like “Headshots Only” or play one the 6 levels with never-ending enemies.

Why Does This Need to be in VR?

With SUPER HOT, you have the speed and reflexes to dodge bullets because time only moves when you move. You can take extra time to line up your weapon for the perfect shot from long distance. If you are careful with your movement, you will be able to plan several steps ahead of the Hologram AI. The degree of control and agency that you have in the virtual world when this happens is the highlight of the game’s experience for me. As scenarios become more difficult, they provide the opportunity to improve your focus, balance, flexibility, and problem solving skills under pressure.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Playing SUPER HOT in higher difficulty scenarios can become very physically demanding! Prior to playing SUPER HOT, make sure you have cleared your play area and set up the Rift’s Guardian System or Vive’s Chaperone appropriately to avoid injury.


SUPER HOT’s gameplay is intuitive, innovative, challenging, and will help you burn some extra calories. All these factors make it easy to get immersed in SUPER HOT’s world and make this a crowd favorite at parties. You get a great value for your money with this game because all the different scenarios and gameplay modes will keep you coming back to this game again and again. You will not get as much replay as a AAA Console or PC title today, but there is more content here than the majority of the experiences that I’ve tried on the Oculus Store.

I highly recommend this game to anyone who’s just bought a VR setup or is on the fence about VR and wants to have a worthwhile experience.

5 out of 5

