How is the UX/UI Bootcamp in Ironhack? I’ll let you know how my first week was!

Santi Becerra Conti
5 min readFeb 4, 2018


After my first week coursing the Full Time UX/UI Bootcamp in Ironhack Madrid, I can say, that I have very good vibes with this course! It’s super intensive and we have a lot of pressure but in the same time you don’t have time to worry about this because you can’t stop learning new stuff and that’s super exciting!

At the beginning of the Pre-work exercises, I was super confused about the important decision that I’ve taken!

“Is the UX/UI Design a good way to start my new profesional life?”

I don’t know yet if it’s the correct decision, but what I know is that I’m enjoying this course a lot! My classmates, the team of Ironhack Madrid, and all things that we have learned this first week have been awesome! So, I’m going to put all my efforts to learn as much as I can, and I’ll try to do my best!

First day, I was a bit nervous because of the people, the “teachers” and the structure of the program. Fabio Korsos (Linked-in) is the Lead Teacher Designer of the Bootcamp and he is a master! He explains all the stuff very well and the classes are super interactive! So, you never get bored! The TA’s of the Bootcamp make a very good job too by supervising all the task of the students and they are always available to give us a hand if we get blocked in any step.

We’ve started the the first day with some presentations and we were able to meet our classmates.

After having a meal with all the class we started the Bootcamp by making a Design Thinking Workshop by applying a variant of the Google Sprint Methodology, the Hyper Island Sprint. In groups of six, during four hours we’ve made all the Design Thinking Process and we’ve created an App with the purpose to facilitate packaging for all Low-Cost Airline travelers. In the pictures below, you can see some steps of our work :

Canvas, Wireframes and Prototyping steps.

On Tuesday, Fabio and the TA’s create 8 groups of three people so we could start with the first Project for the first two weeks of the program. My team is awesome! So many thanks to Kasia Majchrowska and Juanma González for all your ideas and for being part of my team!

We have to help ABC Company.

ABC Company is a leading regional supermarket focused on offering high-quality products and a personalized shopping experience. ABC Company’s management is worried about customer retention. They need to compete in the space by offering their customers the possibility to buy groceries online and have them delivered to their doorstep.

ABC Company’s e-grocery platform needs to translate the store experience in some way. The basic e-commerce needs to be there, but the CEO is looking for one additional feature that will give them a competitive edge in the space (companies like Amazon and Walmart have a competitive edge on pricing and a robust e-commerce platform).

And here is where we get in!

The following days we begin with the first step of the Design Thinking Process, and we started to Empathize with our client and their customers trying to see what is the main problem and what are the user needs that they will have in the future.

To do so, we’ve applied some UX methodologies such us: Blueprint Canvas, Lean UX Canvas, Business Analysis, Competitive Analysis, Surveys and Interviews to customers, User Personas, Empathy Map and User Journey. You can check out the following pictures with some of our canvas! (the sticky notes and the colors was the most important tool of this step!)

From left to right: Blueprint Canvas, Lean UX Canvas and Lean Survey Canvas
From left to right: User Personas, Empathy Map and User Journey

After finishing this first step of the Design Thinking, we started with the second one: Define. In this step, we have to get some conclusions of all the investigations, the surveys and the interviews and start defining the principles of our future proposal. To do so, we have created an Affinity Map where we post all the conclusions of the investigations and we structured the pain points and possible goals to reach with our product. After that, we made some Brainstorming of possible features for our solution and we finished this Step by the creation a Mind Map where we post all the conclusion and features that we would like to print in our proposal for ABC Company. You can check out the following pictures:

From left to right: Affinity Map, Brainstorming Features and Mind Map.

For the next week, I hope to keep going in the next steps of the Design Thinking and I guess, that we’ll go further with the Ideation Step, and we’ll start thinking about the possible structure and features of our shopping online platform.

If you’re interested in the UX/UI Industry or you would like to start moving your profile to this sector, I truly recommend it to you! It’s super exciting and every day you’ll learn new stuff!

Many thanks for reading!

Hope you enjoyed this post!

Follow me for upcoming stories about my experience during my UX/UI Bootcamp at Ironhack!



Santi Becerra Conti

I’m a UX|UI Designer working in Madrid. Have a look at my portfolio - I love getting involved in thrilling projects! Contact me!