5 Top Website Design Trends for 2018

SBeta Technology
3 min readSep 8, 2018


Web Design is a journey of discovery…

In 2018, discover the web design trends, techniques, and tools to define digital media. The websites will be redesigned and redefined. The colors, style, navigation, and small details will go beyond creating just wow websites.

The trends for 2018 whether, we choose or ignore, but we can’t resist them nor can we walk without taking them into consideration.

  • Note: Every website designer should remember our creative faculties and choices will exist in interoperability with these web design trends.

5 Top Website Design Trends for 2018 by Website Design Services in Gurgaon:

1)Broken Grid Layouts: This concept of creative designing has not ditched the grid layouts, but helped to overcome the constraints faced by it. With the broken grid layouts you can skip the concept of grid altogether. Rather, you can allow images, text elements, and other special effects to drift into and across the sober layouts.

2) An era of Illustrations: Today, digital marketing is facing a gruesome challenge of selecting images for its digital products. Often the debate ends in two poles. The one pole represents ‘product UI shots and GIFs; whereas, the other represents ‘editorial or lifestyle photography’. But more than often the solutions don’t seem to help in getting desired results.

Thus, the illustrations are taking the center stage in its ability to be powerful in bringing more abstract concepts to vivid life. The best creative solution about illustrations is it can resolve the representational confusions or challenges posed by photography.

3)Pervasive Animations: Web is a brimming place of a lot of things. It’s just not about one single site or texts or plain static interface. It’s a dynamic medium, which hosts media, special effects, images, texts, and user experience medium. Thus, it’s generally a medium of the message.

So, when it comes to the web we are just not talking about printing words on a page. The overwhelming experiences for users can come with including special effects like ‘page transition, parallax, 3D, motion graphics, and virtual reality’.

So, if your design is missing out on these, it’s actually missing out on a lot of things. Even a subtle animation can ensure attracting users attention to the right content, at right time.

4)The rise of Maximalist: It is believed a good design is worth as little design. For, years it was the thumb rule for web designers. But today in the world of brutalism designed websites, we have come across websites, which follow the style of being maximalist.

Maximalist websites are of the view that, the visitors expect more. Therefore, they are rich in typography, digital savvy and unique creations lacking logic. But, the branding principle of ‘being different puts you in center stage’ is fully met.

Note: Website Development Services in Gurgaon thinks maximalist website design is slowly becoming pronounced and they exist in the outer world with funny warnings or caption like ‘you may get seizures’.

5)Floating Navigation Menu: This trend is slowly but steadily catching up with web designers from across the globe. The floating navigation menu is not only a visual treat but also follow the user like an ardent fan. This not only makes the menu look a global object in terms of development but also make it easy for browsing through the website.

In our next edition, we bring forth 14 more amazing trends to discover by web designers.



SBeta Technology

SBeta Technology is one of the best web design company in gurgaon offers custom website design services at affordable rate.