[ project_ursula ] Day 1… again

samuel bishaka
2 min readAug 29, 2019


Where to start.

Imagine being told that you have just gotten the deal that will change the course of your life forever.

But you have to wait a couple of months…

Now imagine being told to wait over and over again, for a year. That’s project ursula for you.

Today marks 1 year since those sweet words of promise were made to me, 1 year of tears and smiles. mostly tears. anguish. anger. sorrow. afew laughs. But those are all for another day.

Today I embark on ursula once more.

Why?! you ask.

One reason really, practice.

In case you don’t know this by now, I am a software engineer. Which to some it might mean i just code, but to others ( and hopefully you);

I am involved in all aspects related to the construction, delivery, operation and maintenance of high quality software within various constraints ( most common of which is time and money )

As is common with any engineering practice, you have to practice. I want to use ursula to practice all the crazy new industrial and academic advancements in software engineering. See which work, and which hopelessly fail. And if everything goes well, make some money doing what i love.

So. Onwards.

