How Jobs to be Done Framework can help Marketers Communicate Value

In the Factory make Cosmetics, and in the Store sell Hope

Sabari S
3 min readAug 10, 2022

JTBD: “What “progress” or “improvement” from their current situation might someone use your product for?”

Are you analyzing each opportunity won and lost enough? The questions mentioned below can help marketers understand the JBTD your product gets hired or fired from.

  1. What other solutions did the customer consider before trying your product? What didn’t they like about those solutions? (Find out points of parity and difference)

2. How did the customer expect their lives to be better with your product? (Understanding Value in customer’s situation)

3. What will they stop using when they start using your product? (What budget are you taking away from, helps identify revenue potential)

4. How did you learn about us? (Source and Channel)

What elements can help you become a better marketer for your company?

Analyzing Demand:

PUSH: Understanding what influences someone to seek change? It can be an internal or external push. (Motivation)/ Dissatisfaction with current solutions.

eg: The need for climate change brought awareness regarding electric cars, and hydrogen fuel, however, owning one was not something people preferred.

PULL Idea of a better life and preference for a particular product. It is important as a marketer to answer the question and educate the prospect “How will customers evolve when they have the right solution?”

eg: Creating the perception that electric cars could be attractive, perform well and be practical led to Elon Musk Creating a premium high-end model initially. Effect: When Mush introduced the low-end model, he received a whooping 300000 pre-orders for a car that was neither seen nor built.

Understanding Demand Reduction/Anxiety/Status Quo:

It is important to understand forces that reduce or block demand and should be investigated and managed like anxiety about whether this product will really prove useful (first-time customers go away). Sometimes, after using there are still concerns that make customers nervous about using a product. Lastly, inertia is doing nothing about the problems and keeping doing things as is. Figuring out what is holding your customers back will help design messaging that would resonate. Create marketing and advertising materials that tell customers that you understand the struggle, help them visualize a better version f their current life, and explain why your solution is the savior.

Understanding the interdependencies between producer, consumer and JBTD is important and will help marketers create value through the System of Progress(SoP)


Making a prospect believe there is an opportunity to change and become better. (Marketers need to drive awareness during this stage)

Once prospects believe in the idea of a better version, they search for solutions (Marketers need to provide them with options, pros, and cons, and why they should be chosen to get the job done)

If they choose your product and struggle to find value then all the efforts go in vain(Marketers and Producer need to ensure customers continue to find value and provide necessary enhancements through features and guidance through proper onboarding)

JTBD helps marketing teams position and communicate the value of company offerings by answering questions such as:

  • What unique and valued competitive position should we claim?
  • What value proposition will strongly resonate with customers?
  • How should we customize our marketing communications?
  • How should we adjust our content?
  • Segment your audiences around their unmet needs to find hidden segments of opportunity
  • Define the most appropriate growth strategy
  • Craft sales pitches that convert
  • Discover new markets to enter

Points to ponder:

1. Build better Photographers, not better Cameras

2. In the factory make Cosmetics, and in the store sell Hope

If you want to read more on this subject, I would recommend reading the Book: When Coffee and Kale Compete (Alan Klement)




Sabari S

Product Marketing, Growth & Consumer Research. Take complex products to market & implement full-funnel GTM campaigns.