GONE: The Aftermath

The Disappearance of Laci Peterson

Rachel Rivers
3 min readMay 10, 2023
Prisoner behind bars
Image licensed by Canva

Hey there, fellow murderinos! It’s your BFF Rachel Rivers, back with another twisted tale of murder and mayhem. Buckle up, because we’re going deep into the dark side of humanity. And you know what they say: the only thing scarier than real life is… well, nothing, really. Let’s get into it!

You can read part three here

Laci Peterson’s case had a profound impact on the laws surrounding foetal homicide and the debate over the death penalty.

But what about the aftermath?

What happened to Laci’s family, Scott Peterson’s family, and the town of Modesto, California after the trial ended?

Let’s explore the legacy of the Laci Peterson case.

The trial of Scott Peterson was one of the most high-profile cases of the early 2000s.

The verdict was announced on November 12, 2004, and Scott was found guilty of first-degree murder for killing his pregnant wife, Laci, and their unborn son, Conner.

The trial had a significant impact on the legal system, as it brought the issue of foetal homicide to the forefront.

After the trial, Laci’s family was left to pick up the pieces.

They were devastated by the loss of their daughter and grandson, and they struggled to come to terms with the fact that Scott had been responsible for their deaths. The case also had a profound effect on Scott’s family. His parents, Jackie and Lee Peterson, stood by their son’s side throughout the trial, but they were also grieving for their daughter-in-law and grandson.

The town of Modesto, California, where Laci and Scott lived, was also deeply affected by the case. The community was shocked and saddened by the news of Laci’s disappearance, and they rallied around her family in their search for answers.

After Scott was arrested and charged with her murder, the town became a media circus, with reporters from all over the world descending on Modesto to cover the trial.

The case also had a significant impact on the debate over the death penalty.

Many people were outraged that Scott Peterson was not only responsible for the deaths of his wife and unborn son but that he had also disposed of their bodies in such a callous and calculated manner. The trial reignited the debate over the use of the death penalty in cases of murder, and many people called for Scott to be put to death.

The legacy of the case can be seen in the laws surrounding foetal homicide, the debate over the death penalty, and the lives of those who were directly affected by the tragedy.

It’s a case that will continue to be studied and discussed for years to come.

Well, murderinos, that’s all for now. Thanks for joining me on this wild ride through the world of true crime. Remember, stay safe out there, and don’t forget to lock your doors tonight. Until next time, this is Rachel Rivers signing off. Stay curious, stay creepy, and stay tuned for more twisted tales.



Rachel Rivers

Your true crime BFF. Lover of cups of tea, podcasts, and serial killers (in a totally non-creepy way).