GONE: The Missing Mother-To-Be

The Disappearance of Laci Peterson

Rachel Rivers
3 min readMay 3, 2023
Laci Peterson, Missing Person, Investigation, Search Efforts, Media Coverage, Social Media, Family, Hope, Tragedy, Justice
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Hey there, fellow murderinos! It’s your BFF Rachel Rivers, back with another twisted tale of murder and mayhem. Buckle up, because we’re going deep into the dark side of humanity. And you know what they say: the only thing scarier than real life is… well, nothing, really. Let’s get into it!

It’s hard to believe that it’s been almost two decades since this case first captivated the public’s attention. In December of 2002, Laci Peterson, a 27-year-old expectant mother, went missing from her home in Modesto, California. The case quickly became a media sensation, with reporters camping outside the Petersons’ home and speculating on every detail of the investigation.

So let’s go back to the beginning and take a closer look at the early stages of the Laci Peterson case. When did she disappear? What was her last known whereabouts? And how did the search for her unfold?

Laci was last seen on December 24th, 2002. She was eight months pregnant at the time and had been looking forward to spending Christmas Eve with her family. But when Laci’s husband, Scott Peterson, returned home from a fishing trip later that day, he found the house empty and Laci’s car parked in the driveway. Concerned, he contacted the police and reported his wife missing.

a sinister shadow lurks on Christmas Eve
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And so began one of the most extensive missing person searches in California history. Police scoured the Modesto area for any signs of Laci, while volunteers from all over the country joined in the effort. The media was quick to pick up on the story, and soon Laci’s face was plastered all over the news.

As the search for Laci continued, the public became increasingly invested in the case. People started to speculate on what might have happened to her, with theories ranging from a random abduction to a domestic dispute gone wrong. And of course, the media was more than happy to play up the drama, with talking heads spouting off about “pregnant women being the most vulnerable” and “a husband’s duty to protect his family.”

But amidst all the speculation and sensationalism, the Peterson family was left to grapple with the very real possibility that they might never see Laci again. Her mother, Sharon Rocha, gave a heart-wrenching press conference in which she begged for her daughter’s safe return.

Unfortunately, that return never came. On April 13th, 2003, the bodies of Laci and her unborn son, Conner, were found washed up on the shore of San Francisco Bay. The discovery set off a new wave of media attention, with reporters jockeying for the latest scoop on the investigation.

Looking back on those early days of the Laci Peterson case, it’s hard not to feel a sense of sadness and frustration. So much energy and attention were focused on finding Laci, yet in the end, the outcome was tragically inevitable.

But as we’ll see in future articles in this series, there’s much more to the Laci Peterson case than just a missing person investigation…

Well, murderinos, that’s all for now. Thanks for joining me on this wild ride through the world of true crime. Remember, stay safe out there, and don’t forget to lock your doors tonight. Until next time, this is Rachel Rivers signing off. Stay curious, stay creepy, and stay tuned for more twisted tales.



Rachel Rivers

Your true crime BFF. Lover of cups of tea, podcasts, and serial killers (in a totally non-creepy way).