Intentional Positivity

It’s been a very long time, since I wrote an article, but today I decided that, today is the day!!😊that, I finally, snap out of my writer’s block and start drafting a story on one of my list of topics, so here it goes……🤷😊

4 min readApr 23, 2021

You could be trying to deal with the stresses that come with living in the middle of a pandemic or just trying to survive an environment with toxic and negative individuals. How to deal with it all? Here’s one of many ways.

My topic of interest in this article, is about, having the intent to change one’s mindset to be more positive and become more capable of deflecting from negativity, inorder to improve one’s emotional and mental state of mind. I call it Intentional Positivity.

How can we purposely cultivate or intentionally bring about more positivity in our lives? How can we become higher vibrational beings or become more positive minded?

1. Affirmations

An affirmation is simply a statement you declare to yourself to be true, for example; I can say to myself, I am blessed and highly favored. You speak it or say it in your mind, whenever you want or repeat it everyday as a habit. I am a strong believer in affirmations.

Back in the days, when I was teenager, I had some of my favorite Bible verses plastered through out my bedroom, I wrote them down on sheets and sheets of paper. They reminded me to be strong and steadfast in faith. I also had some of my favorite inspirational quotes all over the walls too. I would read them everytime I needed to.

One of my favorite affirmations on my bedroom wall was from the book of Esther Chapter 4 verses 14 "Perhaps you were born for such a time as this" This gives me the understanding that, God will give you the strength and the capability to do that seems insurmountable, he will never forsake thee.

I am capable, I am grateful, I am favoured, I am highly blessed. Make your affirmations and believe them.

Affirm to yourself or in your mind every time you feel stressed out, doubtful or even when your feeling good. You can also have affirmations you repeat to yourself every single day.

This shifts your subconscious to believe that you are what you say and believe you are.

2. Gratitude to people and God

Take some time to be grateful for all the little blessings, look back on your blessings throughout your life and everyday.

Then just appreciate the simple acts of kindness or any good thing small or big, that people do for you. Then the biggest blessing of all, LIFE.

I think the best prayer to do, is simply to tell the creator, thank you. Show gratitude to others.

Try to avoid complaining about every little thing in the world. The problem is likely not everything in the world, but your mindset, it's negative and constant complaints go against gratitude.

Gratitude attracts more blessings, good energy and positive vibes. It helps you to focus on the brighter side of life, brings more joy.

3. Kindness to self and others

Kindness is one of the best ways to get your serotonin levels up (happiness hormones), which goes hand in hand with positivity.
Whether it's through words or actions, just try to challenge yourself to atleast one act of kindness every day.

Don't forget yourself. Give yourself kindness too. Don't beat yourself up over and over again over one thing or another or over regrets or incapabilities or failures.

You can do better next time, you can start over, re-direct, take a new path in life. Forgive yourself, if you need to, it brings peace. Relax, take a breather, unwind if you need to, to find your composure again

Don't tell yourself negativity. Watch what you feed your mind. Stay away from things that disturb your peace of mind.

You deserve the same kindness you give to others.

Thank you for reading 🙂




I am an IT professional, a writer, a lover of clothes and makeup. I think one of my sole purposes on earth is to write, whatever it is i need to write....