Resumo “How to Money: Your Ultimate Visual Guide to the Basics of Finance”

Samara CRB
3 min readJun 7, 2023


is a comprehensive book that aims to provide readers with a clear and practical understanding of basic personal finance principles. Written in a straightforward and accessible way, the book presents fundamental information about money, budgeting, savings, investing, credit and more, using a visual approach that makes it easy to understand and apply financial concepts.

GET “How to Money: Your Ultimate Visual Guide to the Basics of Finance” FOR FREE HERE

GET “How to Money: Your Ultimate Visual Guide to the Basics of Finance” FOR FREE HERE

The book begins with an introduction to the importance of having a solid understanding of personal finance and how it can impact every aspect of a person’s life. It lays the groundwork for the rest of the book, highlighting the need to learn how to manage money effectively.

The first section of the book is devoted to creating a budget. The authors explain the importance of knowing how much money comes in and goes out each month, and how to create a budget spreadsheet to track expenses and income. They provide practical tips for reducing unnecessary spending, setting realistic financial goals, and prioritizing expenses.

GET “How to Money: Your Ultimate Visual Guide to the Basics of Finance” FOR FREE HERE

The book then explores the importance of saving. Readers learn about different types of savings accounts, how to establish an emergency fund, and strategies for saving money over the long term. The authors also explain the concepts of compound interest and the importance of starting saving as early as possible.

The third section of the book focuses on investments. The authors explain basic investment principles, such as diversification, risk and return, and the different types of investments available, such as stocks, bonds, and mutual funds. They help readers understand their investor profile and make informed decisions when investing their money.

GET “How to Money: Your Ultimate Visual Guide to the Basics of Finance” FOR FREE HERE

Next, the book addresses credit management. The authors explain what credit is, how it works, and how to use it responsibly. They provide tips on building a good credit history, dealing with debt, and avoiding common credit-related financial pitfalls.

GET “How to Money: Your Ultimate Visual Guide to the Basics of Finance” FOR FREE HERE

In addition, the book explores topics such as buying a home, planning for retirement, and taxes. The authors offer practical advice on preparing to buy a home, different retirement plan options, and navigating the complex world of taxes.

GET “How to Money: Your Ultimate Visual Guide to the Basics of Finance” FOR FREE HERE

A unique feature of this book is its visual approach. It uses charts, diagrams, and illustrations to explain financial concepts in a clear and engaging way. This approach helps readers absorb information more effectively and apply financial principles in



Samara CRB

With tireless experience and skills Achieving new successes is an inspiring testament to the vision, passion and hard work that can lead to success.