Thick client Pentesting for beginners:

Sahil Choudhary
2 min readNov 29, 2023



Welcome to the fascinating world of thick client application analysis! As a beginner, diving into the realm of reverse engineering might seem overwhelming, but fear not — we’ve got you covered. In this guide, we’ll walk you through the essential steps using various tools and techniques to uncover the secrets hidden within a thick client application.

1st Step: Reverse Engineering with dnSpy

The first step involves using dnSpy to reverse engineer the application’s executable file (app.exe). If you encounter restricted functionalities, such as a grayed-out admin creation option, dnSpy can help you explore the application’s logic. By loading the app.exe into dnSpy, you can analyze and modify the code to unveil hidden features. Simply click on the relevant function, examine the logic, and save the module to potentially unlock new capabilities.

2nd Step: Application Technology Analysis with CFF Explorer

To gather information about the application’s technology stack, download CFF Explorer and import your app.exe. This tool provides a comprehensive view of the application, allowing you to understand the technologies used, aiding further analysis.

3rd Step: Monitoring TCP Connections with TcpView or Wireshark

Explore the application’s network behavior by using tools like TcpView or Wireshark. Monitoring TCP connections helps you understand how the application communicates over the network, providing valuable insights into its functionalities.

4th Step: Compiler Protection Analysis with BinScope

To check for compiler protection, use BinScope. The syntax for this tool is “binscope.exe \verbose \html <output path> <path of app.exe>.” This analysis ensures the application hasn’t implemented protection mechanisms that could hinder reverse engineering.

5th Step: Signature Verification with SigCheck

Verify the application’s signature using SigCheck. The syntax is “sigcheck.exe <path of app.exe>.” Confirm that the signature is unsigned to ensure the authenticity of the application.

6th Step: Checking for Hardcoded Credentials with String.exe

To identify potential security risks like hardcoded credentials, use String.exe. This tool helps in searching for sensitive data within the application’s code.

7th Step: Intercepting Network Traffic with MITM Relay and Burp

For a deeper understanding of the application’s network interactions, employ a combination of MITM (Man-In-The-Middle) relay techniques and Burp Suite. This allows you to intercept and analyze network traffic, helping you uncover potential vulnerabilities.

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