Be a pink swan

how to create a brand that will make you work with the right clients

sara colombo
2 min readFeb 3, 2014

Being liked by everyone only means you are running a very boring brand. You don’t even know who you are talking to, your clients must be a bunch of crazy people from all sorts of fields with no expectations on your skills and talent (a doctor can’t work as a lawyer…right?), you are not helping them and, above all, you are not being a brand at all.

You want to attract the right person, not just another asshole.

And, indeed, a pink swan is a really attractive and smart creature. Criticised and rejected by her fellow white swans, she begun a long journey to happy that made her work on her skills, talents and finally made her realise it was better to only hang out with other pink swans: they understood her, made her being coloured OK, made her feeling helpful, skilled, great.

So the pink swan made her journey, and learned to define herself. She is romantic, loves white wine, jewels (yeah… a bit of a high maintenance type, I know!) and intellectual, loving guys. What’s more, the pink swan isn’t afraid of being clear about these preferences and would rather work with 10 wine lovers that 100 water drinkers who don’t understand her point of view and will probably ask her to change everything about her services and skills. If not simply turn her projects down.

So what does she do? She works only with other pink swans, on purpose. She states (loud and clear) what’s her position, communicate it in a personal and engaging way and let other swans feel the romance and be happy to work with her.

In other words a pink swan has learned that her talents attract other similar swans, so she stopped trying to convince the community of white swans that she was OK. She embraced the freak in her and decided to follow it.

End of the tale.

Now the question is: do you want to be a happy pink swan or a sad, rejected pink swan?



sara colombo

Italian translator + interpreter in love with words, stories and yoga— Blogging at &