Heimdall Deployment

6 min readSep 13, 2023

What’s is heimdall?

Heimdall Dashboard: Where Web Apps Find Harmony

Tired of juggling countless tabs and bookmarks for your favorite web applications? Meet Heimdall Application Dashboard, your one-stop solution for taming the chaos and bringing order to your digital life.

1. Unified Web App Haven:

  • All Roads Lead to Heimdall: Say goodbye to tab overload! Heimdall Dashboard consolidates all your web applications, tools, and services into a single, elegantly organized space.

2. Customization Galore:

  • Tailor Your Experience: Heimdall empowers you to shape your dashboard as you see fit. Add links to web applications, search engines, or even set it as your browser’s start page. It’s your digital canvas — paint it your way.

3. Visual Pleasure:

  • Elegance Meets Functionality: Heimdall doesn’t just organize; it delights the eye. Discover visually appealing apps that make managing your digital realm a joyous experience.

4. Apps API Magic:

  • Your Access Pass: Dive into an array of enhanced apps, foundation apps, and generic items via Heimdall’s apps API. It’s your express route to swift access for your go-to web applications and services.

5. Simplified Streamlining:

  • Time-Saving Brilliance: Heimdall is your digital efficiency partner. It ensures you spend less time searching for tools and more time using them. It’s your personalized launchpad to the digital world.

6. Beyond Apps Alone:

  • Freedom to Choose: Heimdall isn’t confined to apps. It’s your canvas for organizing anything — web apps, resources, or even personal shortcuts. Your preferences set the limits, and they’re practically limitless.

In essence, Heimdall Application Dashboard is where chaos meets order, where scattered web applications find unity, and where customization reigns supreme. With Heimdall, your digital life becomes an elegantly orchestrated symphony, with all your favorite apps and tools harmoniously brought together. Say hello to simplicity, visual delight, and efficiency, and make Heimdall your portal to a more organized and enjoyable online experience

How It Works:

Navigating the Heimdall Dashboard: A Symphony of Digital Organization

The Heimdall Application Dashboard functions as your digital conductor, orchestrating a seamless symphony of web applications, services, and tools. Here’s how this harmonious platform works its magic:

1. Entry to Elegance:

  • Unified Hub: Upon launching Heimdall, you’re greeted with a unified hub that corrals all your digital essentials into one visually pleasing space.

2. Personalized Precision:

  • Tailor-Made Dashboard: The power is in your hands. Customize your dashboard by adding links to web apps, search engines, or even adopting it as your browser’s start page. It’s a canvas where you dictate the composition.

3. Aesthetic Appeal:

  • Visual Treat: Heimdall isn’t just functional; it’s aesthetically delightful. Explore visually captivating apps that transform mundane management into a pleasurable experience.

4. API Access:

  • App Exploration: Dive into the world of enhanced apps, foundation apps, and generic items through Heimdall’s apps API. This is your express lane to instant access for your most-visited web applications and services.

5. Streamlined Efficiency:

  • Time-Saving Brilliance: Heimdall is your efficiency companion. Spend less time hunting for tools and more time utilizing them. It’s your personalized portal to the digital universe.

6. Boundless Freedom:

  • No Limits: Heimdall extends beyond applications. It’s your canvas for organizing anything — web apps, resources, or even personal shortcuts. Your preferences set the boundaries, and those boundaries are nearly infinite.

In essence, Heimdall Application Dashboard takes the chaos of scattered web applications and transforms it into a symphony of organization. It’s where customization reigns supreme, your digital life finds unity, and the mundane becomes a visual delight. Embrace simplicity, efficiency, and a touch of elegance with Heimdall, your gateway to a more organized and enjoyable online journey

Steps And Procedure

This deployment utilizes the official Heimdall Docker image. Here’s a step-by-step guide to get you started:

  1. 1.
  2. Begin by navigating to the “Create Apps” page and use the search bar to find the linuxserver/heimdall application.
  3. Click on the “Install” button to initiate the installation process.
  4. Fill in all the required fields with the necessary information.
  5. If you prefer, you can click on the “Advanced” option to access additional settings (this step is optional).
  6. After making your selections, press the “Install” button to proceed.
  7. Once the installation is complete, you’ll be directed to the “My Apps” page, where you’ll find a list of all the applications you’ve deployed.
  8. Copy the Hostname of the Heimdall application without the NodePort and paste it into your preferred browser’s address bar.
  9. Voilà! You’re now able to access the Heimdall webpage and explore its content.

By following these straightforward steps, you’ll have successfully deployed the Heimdall application and gained access to its features through a seamless and user-friendly process.

Step-by-Step Guide to heimdall Deployment

  1. Docker Image Selection:
  • Docker Image Name: heimdall
  1. Application Details
  • Application Name: heimdall
  • Resource Allocation: Set the desired resource allocation from 0–100%
  1. Protocol Configuration
  • Protocol: HTTP
  • Port: 80
  1. Installation Options:
  • Choose between “Default” or “Advanced” installation.
  1. Advanced Installation (Optional)
  • If selecting “Advanced,” you can customize the environment variables and working directory:
  • Environment Variables:
  • Environment variables are dynamic values used by a containerized application for configuration. They are defined as key-value pairs, like API_KEY=xyz, and provide flexibility to adjust an app's behavior without changing its code.
  • Environment Variables: Define environment variables with keys and values (e.g., key=value).
  • Working Directory:
  • The working directory is the starting point inside a container where an app’s files are located. It affects relative file paths and operations. For example, if set to /usr/src/yourAPP, an app will reference files from there, like /usr/src/yourAPP/data.txt.
  • Working Directory: Set the working directory for the application (e.g., usr/src/yourAPP).
  1. Access Configuration:
  • Choose between “Public” or “Private” access to the deployed application.
  1. Installation:
  • Click the “Install” button to initiate the deployment process.

By following these steps, you can effortlessly deploy an Heimdall instance with your chosen configurations. This enables you to tailor the environment to match your application’s requirements and specifications. Whether opting for the default installation or delving into advanced settings, our platform ensures a seamless deployment experience while providing you the flexibility to customize according to your needs.

Visual Snapshots


About Heimdall image we used.

This is the official Heimdall image.

Can I deploy my own Heimdall image with modified configuration ?

Yes, you can simply deploy any version or modified image to our platform by linking your docker hub account to our platform.

Are my data persistent ?

For the free user there is no persistence, and for the premium user you can different type of persistence.

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