Rss bridge Deployment

6 min readSep 13, 2023

RSS-Bridge: Bridging the Gap in Feeds

In a digital landscape teeming with information, what happens when your favorite websites or platforms don’t offer an RSS or Atom feed? This is where RSS-Bridge steps in, serving as a digital bridge that seamlessly connects you to the content you crave. Let’s explore how RSS-Bridge makes the seemingly impossible possible.

🌐 Diverse Bridges for Varied Needs 🌉 RSS-Bridge boasts an impressive array of bridges, each tailored to different platforms. Whether you’re tracking YouTube channels, exploring Twitter hashtags, delving into Telegram groups, or keeping an eye on the latest subreddit posts, RSS-Bridge has you covered. It even allows you to merge multiple feeds into one, creating a personalized information stream.

🤖 YouTube Bridge 🎥 Are you an avid follower of YouTube content creators? RSS-Bridge enables you to generate feeds for YouTube user channels, playlists, or search queries, so you never miss a video.

🐦 Twitter Bridge 🐤 Stay up-to-date with Twitter trends and updates by generating feeds for keyword or hashtag searches, as well as user timelines. Now, Twitter’s dynamic world is at your fingertips.

📣 Telegram Bridge 📲 Join the conversation on Telegram with ease. RSS-Bridge fetches the latest posts from public groups, ensuring you’re in the know about the topics that matter most to you.

🌟 Reddit Bridge 🌐 Whether you’re a Redditor or a lurker, RSS-Bridge delivers the freshest posts from subreddits or specific users directly to your feed reader.

🔍 Filter Bridge 🧹 Refine and customize your existing feeds with the Filter bridge, allowing you to tailor your content to your exact preferences.

📷 Twitch Bridge 📽️ For gaming enthusiasts, RSS-Bridge fetches the latest videos from Twitch channels, so you’re always in sync with your favorite streamers.

☠️ ThePirateBay Bridge 🏴‍☠️ Ahoy, matey! Keep an eye on the high seas of torrents with ThePirateBay bridge, which returns the newest indexed torrents based on your keywords.

RSS-Bridge is your ticket to a more organized and connected digital experience. It transforms the web’s unbridled content into a structured and easily accessible feed, ensuring that you never miss out on the latest updates, trends, or discussions across your favorite platforms. With RSS-Bridge, the content you love is just a bridge away.

How It Works:

🛠️ Simple Configuration, Powerful Results 🚀

RSS-Bridge is designed with user-friendliness in mind. Its configuration is straightforward, making it accessible to both beginners and experienced users. Here’s how it operates:

  1. Choose Your Bridge: Begin by selecting the bridge that corresponds to your desired content source. Whether it’s YouTube, Twitter, Telegram, Reddit, or others, RSS-Bridge has specialized bridges for each platform.
  2. Configure Bridge Parameters: Depending on the chosen bridge, you’ll provide specific details like the YouTube channel name, Twitter hashtags, or subreddit name. This information helps RSS-Bridge fetch the relevant content.
  3. Generate Your Feed: Once configured, RSS-Bridge works its magic and generates an RSS or Atom feed for your selected content. This feed acts as a continuous stream of updates, just like any other standard feed.
  4. Integration with Feed Reader: To access the content, you’ll need a feed reader. Popular options include Feedly, Inoreader, or even browser-based readers like Mozilla Thunderbird. Simply add the generated feed URL to your chosen reader.
  5. Stay Updated: With your feed reader in place, you can now enjoy a continuous flow of updates from your favorite websites and platforms. RSS-Bridge ensures that even sites without native feeds become accessible through your reader.

🔄 Automatic Updates 🔄

RSS-Bridge isn’t a one-time solution. It regularly checks the source for new content and updates your feed accordingly. This means you won’t miss out on any fresh posts, videos, or tweets.

🔒 Privacy and Control 🔒

Your data privacy is paramount. RSS-Bridge doesn’t collect or store your personal information. It operates as a bridge between the content source and your feed reader, ensuring your online activity remains private.

🤝 Sharing Is Caring 🤝

RSS-Bridge fosters a sense of community. It allows you to share your configured bridges with others. So, if you’ve set up a fantastic way to follow your favorite Reddit threads or YouTube channels, you can easily share it with friends and fellow enthusiasts.

In essence, RSS-Bridge transforms the web into your personal news hub. It bridges the gap between content sources that lack native feeds and your preferred feed reader. The result? A seamless, organized, and tailored digital experience that keeps you informed and entertained without the hassle of manual tracking. RSS-Bridge: because staying updated should be effortless.

Steps And Procedure

This deployment utilizes the official rss bridge image. Here’s a step-by-step guide to get you started:

  1. Begin by navigating to the “Create Apps” page and use the search bar to find the rssbridge/rss-bridge application.
  2. Click on the “Install” button to initiate the installation process.
  3. Fill in all the required fields with the necessary information.
  4. If you prefer, you can click on the “Advanced” option to access additional settings (this step is optional).
  5. After making your selections, press the “Install” button to proceed.
  6. Once the installation is complete, you’ll be directed to the “My Apps” page, where you’ll find a list of all the applications you’ve deployed.
  7. Copy the Hostname of the rss bridge application without the NodePort and paste it into your preferred browser’s address bar.
  8. Voilà! You’re now able to access the rss bridge webpage and explore its content.

By following these straightforward steps, you’ll have successfully deployed the rss bridge application and gained access to its features through a seamless and user-friendly process.

Step-by-Step Guide to rss bridge Deployment

Docker Image Selection:

  • Docker Image Name: rss bridge

Application Details:

  • Application Name: rssbridge
  • Resource Allocation: Set the desired resource allocation from 0–100%.

Protocol Configuration:

  • Protocol: HTTP
  • Port: 80

Installation Options:

  • Choose between “Default” or “Advanced” installation.

Advanced Installation (Optional)

  • If selecting “Advanced,” you can customize the environment variables and working directory:
  • Environment Variables:
  • Environment variables are dynamic values used by a containerized application for configuration. They are defined as key-value pairs, like API_KEY=xyz, and provide flexibility to adjust an app's behavior without changing its code.
  • Environment Variables: Define environment variables with keys and values (e.g., key=value).
  • Working Directory:
  • The working directory is the starting point inside a container where an app’s files are located. It affects relative file paths and operations. For example, if set to /usr/src/yourAPP, an app will reference files from there, like /usr/src/yourAPP/data.txt.
  • Working Directory: Set the working directory for the application (e.g., usr/src/yourAPP).

Access Configuration:

  • Choose between “Public” or “Private” access to the deployed application.


  • Click the “Install” button to initiate the deployment process.

By following these steps, you can effortlessly deploy an rss bridge instance with your chosen configurations. This enables you to tailor the environment to match your application’s requirements and specifications. Whether opting for the default installation or delving into advanced settings, our platform ensures a seamless deployment experience while providing you the flexibility to customize according to your needs.

Visual Snapshots


About rss bridge image we used.

This is the officia rss bridge image.

Can I deploy my own rss bridge image with modified configuration ?

Yes, you can simply deploy any version or modified image to our platform by linking your docker hub account to our platform.

Are my data persistent ?

For the free user there is no persistence, and for the premium user you can different type of persistence.

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