Scalp Med Discusses the Side Effects of DHT Inhibitors

3 min readMay 31, 2019


Scalp Med Discusses the Side Effects of DHT Inhibitors

As a fairly common condition, hair loss has attracted many different treatments and therapies, from medications to surgical options. Hair loss itself has various causes, and treatments should be tailored to the specific cause, with one of the most common being genetic or hereditary causing androgenic alopecia. This type of hair loss is caused by increased levels of a testosterone byproduct, dihydrotestosterone (DHT), and causing the typical crown balding on men, and hair thinning in women. A popular treatment option is to block DHT, allowing for hair growth to continue normally. As with many medications and treatment options, there are many unfavorable side effects, making the treatment less favorable. Scalp Med is an FDA approved treatment option that encourages hair regrowth through their unique formula, they understand the negative effects of DHT blockers, and took the time to explain what DHT is and the effects that come with it.


Scalp Med explains that DHT is an androgen hormone that is made when testosterone is catalyzed by the enzyme 5α-reductase and is significantly more potent than testosterone itself. DHT is only present in certain tissues in low amounts, such as the skin, liver, prostate, and hair follicles. DHT is also one of the main hormones responsible for sexual differentiation during embryogenesis and pregnancy, helping to give rise to male genitalia and, after puberty to male sexual characteristics. High levels of DHT have been associated with benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), a condition in which the prostate enlarges, sometimes to the point that males are unable to urinate. Unfortunately, for other individuals that are genetically susceptible, DHT can lead to male pattern baldness (androgenic alopecia).

Androgenic Alopecia

Those that have male pattern baldness running in their family may have a genetic reason behind this. It has been found that there are a few particular genes that could cause this, as well as an increased sensitivity of the androgen receptor to DHT. When DHT is available in hair follicles it binds to receptors causing them to become weak and shrink, eventually dying off, and leading to hair loss known as androgenic alopecia. In males, it gives the typical crown baldness, and in females it leads to the thinning of hair.

DHT Inhibitors

As it is known that DHT is what causes hair follicles to shrink and die, DHT inhibitors have been created to help patients with both androgenic alopecia, and for those who suffer from BPH. According to Scalp Med, one of the most common DHT inhibitor used today is finasteride (Propecia); a 5α-reductase inhibitor that was initially made to help patients with BPH but was eventually found to help with hair loss as well.

Side effects of DHT inhibitors

As mentioned, with any treatment, there is a side effect profile that should be considered before initiating use, and DHT blockers are no different. As they alter hormone levels, many of the side effects seen relate to this imbalance of hormones, and as testosterone is also a sexual hormone, a majority of the complaints of DHT blockers are due to sexual dysfunctions. Side effects include a lower sex drive or libido, as well as erectile dysfunction or weak erections in general. Scalp Med states that these effects can be attributed to the fact that DHT inhibitors work systemically and do not specifically target hair follicles, causing lower levels of these sexual androgens in the reproductive system as well. Another side effect that males may notice are larger and/or tender breasts, as DHT production is inhibited, they have an increased level of testosterone, which can easily be converted to estrogen, one of the main hormones responsible for breast growth and possible breast cancer.

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Scalp Med is a proven-effective regimen for hair loss and thinning hair.