5th AMA with Community Leads — Scam Coin — 12/02

4 min readDec 2, 2021


The following is a transcript of an in-house AMA with some of Scam Coin’s co-founders (Our two Community Leads) held on the Telegram video chat on the 2nd of December 2021. Happy reading!

Hello everyone and welcome to a new AMA with some news for you ahead of the Pancake Swap listing!

Have you heard anything from SolidProof?

We just checked with them and SolidProf should come back to us with a response by the end of the day. We will follow up with them in any case.

When will be the listing?

Scam Coin’s listing is set for tomorrow, Friday December 3rd at 4PM CET.

How does the team feel, 25 hours before the launch? Hyped? Drained?

We are all happy and confident about the listing. We currently have 625 real members in our Telegram Group. This is a good start.

Youtubers did not really help us grow our numbers so we will also focus on other way for us to grow, notably by being invited to AMAs and maybe organize at least one AMA per week.

For instance, we are planning to reach out to Travladd as soon as we launch to set an AMA with them.

Must be hell of a week for you guys!

Yes, we are both developing our products and preparing for the listing. We also had to address a server crash issue. Consequently, our Product Lead had to rebuild our website in a few hours, helped by the rest of the team.

On top of Scam Coin’s development, we also have our occupation on the side which we neglited a bit recently to make the listing as successful as the pre-sale.

What will be the slippage rate?

In theory, you will have to set it to 15-18%. However, it depends on the number of buyers that wish to buy tokens at the same time. As a result, it could go higher.

I’m holding for 2 years if you say so.

Great ! A project called Scam Coin that would do well over the long term is the best joke and response we could make to all the scam and back-by-nothing meme projects.

Do we have to claim our tokens before it goes live?

You can claim your tokens when its live. We encourage you to do it quickly so you can start enjoying BUSD rewards as soon as possible.

Oh and on the website it says, for revealing scams, users will get rewards in scam coin. How much are you planning to give them, or some percentage? What will the reward depend on?

To increase the use of the ScamReport© App, we will reward users. This incentive might stop once we reach a sustained level of use.

So how many videos have you put out so far, I have seen three?

We will publish all videos we already scheduled and worked on with Youtubers. However, it appears that our Telegram group did grow much bigger with this Youtube marketing campaign. Consequently, we will change our strategy.

However, we are glad to have these videos that help us make the project looks legit. Thanks to them, new people will eventually get to know the project.

What do you think market cap will be in 24H?

Frankly, we have no idea. The success of it will also depend on the community.

Where are you right now, in terms of product development?

We are currently working on the beta version of our ScamReport© App and here is a quick preview!

Visit https://beta.scamcoin.app and have a look at the first version of our scam reporting application!

You can connect your wallet on our Webapp in order to report scams or rate them. Note that the wallet connexion is safe since it’s only requesting the wallet address and not your account access. The wallet connection is not yet possible on mobile (coming later) but you can safely connect on mobile

Important notes:

- The beta version serves as a basis for the project and allows us to have feedback, in order to build the alpha version in 2022.
- The version is limited in functionality

We are looking forward to have your feedbacks on the design and the general idea !

Should we be able to report contracts already?

Yes, you should. You have to do it on your computer for now as we are currently developing the Web version. The mobile app will be released in Q1 2022.

Can users add projects so that other users can report?

Of course, you will be able to report any projects!

Thanks for joining the AMA and thanks to @swiss_fondue for his hard work on the last few days. It’s just the beginning of something potentially big!

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