Standard question for any article bashing Tesla

Paulo Scardine
1 min readMay 21, 2018

Does the author have any financial interest (direct or indirect) in Tesla stock going south, lets say, are he short on Tesla or being sponsored by someone who is?

Why should we ask that? Some people famous for being very successfully at short-selling stock placed huge bets against Tesla and attracted a legion of people naive enough to jump in the same bandwagon. People that are going to burn money unless Tesla stock goes down in the near future… Not only TSLA shares became the most shorted stock in USA but it is also doing remarkable well face the pessimism attack. In fact, not many stocks would withstand Goldman Sachs repeatedly labeling it with a “sell” rating:

If you are short on TSLA you are probably starting to cold sweat: it is not the sure profit you thought. You can almost smell the desperation in many articles bashing Elon.

Does the author have a hidden agenda? I don’t know, in the case of the article I’m answering may be the author is just a Luddite that is echoing the same mantra of people betting against Elon, but he does sound a lot like people who are desperate to make TSLA swing down.

I’m not long or short on Tesla but it has been entertaining to watch stakeholders on both sides. I, for one, never bet against the geeks.

