Frequently Asked Questions About Custom Greaseproof Paper

Scarlet Samson
4 min readMar 15, 2024
greaseproof paper

Custom greaseproof paper is commonly used in the food sector. However, despite its frequent use, many people are unsure about the benefits of using this custom paper. If you are also confused about the usefulness of this paper then this blog is an ideal piece of reading for you.

Whether it is food protection, food presentation, cooking, or your branding the custom paper is an ideal and economical option for all the brands. This paper is 100 % secure to be used in direct contact with the food as it does not contain any noxious elements.

Apart from this, greaseproof paper sheets can be used to get several benefits that can make you among one of the most famous eateries in your area. Want to know those benefits? Let’s read the blog and get the answer to your queries.

What Is Greaseproof Paper?

Probably everyone has an idea about what grease-resistant paper is. Nonetheless, if you are confused between different types of custom food wraps then just keep in mind one basic difference, which is that all the different papers are made from almost the same type of material, however the application of different coatings makes them distinctive from the others.

On custom printed greaseproof paper a layer of wax is coated that makes it resistant to oils and other fats. All the fast food brands and even homes prefer using this paper as it makes the whole cooking process easy and mess-free.

Is This Paper Sustainable?

Most people have one big question about the paper which is that, is this paper is suitable or not. With the passage of time, people are becoming aware of the negative consequences of unsustainable living practices. To combat climate change it is of sheer importance that we start using sustainable packaging that can easily degrade.

Greaseproof paper bags or paper are made of sustainable kraft material that is obtained from softwood fibers. This paper easily degrades the environment and does not pollute the surroundings. If you are concerned about the future of this planet then using custom food wraps made with kraft material are necessary for you.

Can The Paper Help In Branding?

Yes, the paper can help you in branding to a significant extent. In the form of printed paper, you can get free of cost and economical paper that will promote your company easily. Printed greaseproof paper sheets when designed with the unique design and logo of your company will help you create the distinction of your product.

When all the brands are using plain paper wraps with no uniqueness and elegance you can get the attention of your customers with logo-printed paper. You can your customers a memorable experience along with professional packaging with this remarkable custom food wrap.

Can We Use Greaseproof Wraps For Frying?

Yes, you can use greaseproof paper wholesale for frying purposes but for this, you have to be a little careful as this paper has a lower melting point than baking paper. You can use a few drops of oil on the pan and place the paper on it so that it does not displace.

Make sure that you have accurately cut the paper to the size of the pan so that your cooking process remains smooth. Apart from frying you can use custom paper while baking if the temperature is below 200 degrees.

Difference Between Greaseproof And Parchment Paper

Many people remain confused about the difference between greaseproof paper and parchment paper. The main difference between the two is applied coatings. The coating used on parchment paper is silicon-based due to this paper is an excellent alternative when you need a full stick-resistant paper.

On the other hand, greaseproof paper is coated with wax which makes it resistant to oils, fats, and success. Before selecting the wax paper, know the purpose for which you need the paper and make the selection accordingly.

greaseproof paper

Is Grease-Resistant Paper Edible?

No, although greaseproof paper sheets are made from organic kraft paper it is not suitable for consumption. Neither does it have a taste nor it is suitable for the human digestive system. So if you need edible food wraps then it is not advisable to invest in grease-resistant paper.

What Are The Perfect Dimensions For Grease-Resistant Paper?

The dimensions of the paper are not predefined. Some of the companies give pre-cut pieces of paper that are a bit covenant to use. If you want custom dimensions or custom sizes of paper sheet rolls then you can ask the wholesale dealer to give you your desired size for custom-printed greaseproof paper sheets.

Sum Up!

If you want to secure and present your food in a professional manner, then use custom greaseproof paper. N this blog, we have discussed some of the frequently asked questions about the paper that will help you in making a good decision when it comes to the selection of custom food wraps. This paper is sustainable, sturdy, branded, elegant, and resistant to heat so a perfect solution for your diverse cooking demands.

